Fortune's Mirror

  Location: In a well-lit avenue with guard towers. The street outside contains a heroic monument and is shaded by colorful trees.
Description: The alchemist is a stone-walled two-storey building, with a yellow tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains curtains draped over the walls and a broken cage.


Potion of Resistance (dmg 188) (294 gp)
Potion of Greater Healing (dmg 187) (146 gp)
Potion of Invisibility (dmg 188) (176 gp)
Potion of Animal Friendship (dmg 187) (125 gp) - A potion that allows the user to convince a beast that they mean it no harm.
Potion of Hill Giant Strength (dmg 187) (250 gp) - A potion that increases the user's Strength score to that of a Hill Giant for a short time.
Potion of Water Breathing (dmg 188) (47 gp) - Enables the user to breathe underwater for up to one hour.
Acid (vial) (phb 148) (25 gp) - A vial of corrosive acid that can be thrown as a weapon.
Alchemist's Fire (flask) (phb 148) (50 gp) - A flask of sticky, adhesive fluid that ignites when exposed to air.
Smoke Bombs (set of 3) (Homebrew) (30 gp) - Small bombs that create a cloud of smoke, obscuring vision in a small area.
Tincture of Soothing (Homebrew) (40 gp) - A concoction that soothes pain and minor ailments, providing comfort and restful sleep.

Other Patrons:

Arnold Coulson, Male Half-Elf
Pogranix Nemmonis, Female Dragonborn
Charles Browning, Male Human

Fortune's Mirror

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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