
4th-level illusion/phantasm
Casting Time: 2 actions
Range: Earshot
Components: V, S
Duration: Immediate

  Howl is not merely a spell but a primal invocation, a call that resonates through the veils of reality and psyche. It is a sound that embodies the wild heart of the night, a clarion call to the ancient, untamed spirits that lurk within the shadowed recesses of the soul.
  Upon casting, the lycanthrope's form is compelled to unleash a piercing, soul-shaking cry. It is a sound that transcends mere physical noise, echoing in the minds and hearts of all who hear it. The howl is a phantasmal creation, a symphony of fear and awe, woven from the very essence of illusion and the raw power of the lycanthrope's spirit.
  Any creature within earshot must brace against this overwhelming auditory onslaught. They must make a successful saving throw or be gripped by a magical fear, as intense and visceral as the terror induced by the most formidable predators of the wild. Those who fail their save are likely to drop whatever they hold and flee at maximum speed, driven by an instinctive urge to escape this auditory embodiment of their deepest fears. The spell's effect is so potent that creatures of low or animal intelligence receive no saving throw; they are immediately and utterly overwhelmed by the primal fear.
  Lycanthropes, kin to the caster and attuned to the call of the wild, are immune to this effect. They understand the language of the howl, the deep-seated call of the wild that speaks of freedom, power, and the untamed essence of nature.
  The spell is immediate, its effect fleeting yet unforgettable. The howl fades as quickly as it arises, but its echo lingers in the minds of those who hear it, a haunting reminder of the primal fears that dwell within all creatures.
  Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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