Hurst family Variant Human Bloodline


A Brigade of Starlight
High above the clouds, in a secluded valley cradled by the embracing arms of the majestic mountains, lies the village of Starhaven, a sun-kissed haven untouched by the chaos of distant realms. Here, the Hurst family, a lineage of arcane custodians, have rooted their existence, far from the prying eyes of the world and the dominions of the known kingdoms.   Starhaven, a jewel nestled in the bosom of nature, is a picturesque village that thrives in harmonious seclusion. Its homes, adorned with flowering vines and roofs of gentle thatch, bask in the glory of the sun that smiles upon the valley. The air is sweet with the scent of wildflowers, and the gentle hum of bees harmonizes with the soft rustle of leaves. It is a place of tranquil beauty, where troubles are as fleeting as the shadows at noon.   The Hurst family, as the most influential lineage in Starhaven, has shaped the village in their ethereal image. Their bloodline, infused with celestial magic, influences every aspect of life here. The villagers, though not of Hurst blood, carry a serene wisdom in their eyes, a reflection of the peace that the Hursts have fostered.   Central to the Hursts' influence is their ancient order, the Hurst Knights, whose temple stands proudly upon a mountain peak, overlooking the valley like a vigilant guardian. The temple, a marvel of architecture blending with the natural landscape, is both a sanctuary and a fortress. Here, the Hurst Knights train in the ways of combat and magic, their skills honed not for conquest, but for protection.   The Hurst Knights are the embodiment of the Hurst ethos: strength tempered with wisdom, power wielded with restraint. They are not mere warriors; they are the arbiters of peace in Starhaven. Their presence ensures that the village remains a haven of tranquility, their intervention rare but decisive.   The village of Starhaven operates independently, unbound by the laws of neighboring kingdoms. The Hursts, through their wisdom and foresight, have established a self-sufficient community where problems are resolved through dialogue and mutual understanding. Disputes are rare, and when they arise, they are settled under the guidance of the Hurst elders, whose words are revered as the voice of reason.   The culture of Starhaven is a tapestry of traditions influenced by the Hursts' celestial heritage. Festivals are held under the open sky, celebrating the phases of the moon and the patterns of the stars. At night, the village transforms into a canvas of starlight, with lanterns swaying gently in the breeze, echoing the constellations above.   The Hurst Knights, though formidable, are seen not as enforcers, but as protectors. Their presence in the village is subtle, their demeanor approachable. They are the shepherds of Starhaven's peace, ensuring that the village remains a sanctuary from the turmoil of the outside world.   Just 20-30 miles northwest of the kingdom of Tyrnolique, in the Felston Accord, Starhaven stands as a testament to the Hurst family's legacy. It is a place where time seems to stand still, where the harmony between man, magic, and nature weaves a spell of enduring peace. In Starhaven, under the watchful gaze of the Hurst Knights and the guiding hand of the Hurst family, the echoes of ancient magic and the whisper of the stars continue to shape a world apart, a world of serene beauty and mystic wonder.  

Hurst Variant Human Bloodline Lore

  The Hurst or Hearst family, depending on where you are from, were one of the first families to sign the treaty which brought together the delegates from the original 6 member nations who founded the Felston Accord. They quickly made a name for themselves as excellent diplomats, tacticians, and warriors, however they also seemed to have a knack for running small businesses, honest labor, and all too often finding themselves on the wrong side of the occasional run in with nobility around the world.

Bloodline features (9 total build points, 3 from Flaws):

+1 to any one ability score.
Lucky feat
Guidance cantrip
Hunter's mark spell 1/short rest.
Flourish of Burns and Blows spell 1/short rest.
Skilled - choose one skill or tool to gain proficiency with.
Talented - choose one skill or tool to be talented with.


Dynamic - Str, Con, and Wis (Severity Level=Medium,x1) - Grants 3 points, Trigger Check DC 17, Trigger=Witnessing Bullying or Slavery and doing nothing about it.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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