Ironhearth Clan

A proud clan of dwarves known for their ironcrafting skills. There are no other species which live here full-time, as this is a Clanhall, a type of dwarven settlement meant for the members of the clan family only. Visitors are allowed in some areas, especially the surface, but many of the underground halls are off limits to any but the clan members. The town above is mostly newer construction surrounding the ancient clanhall itself. The only thing older anywhere nearby is the ancient temple a few miles east in the Wyrmtrough Valley. That valley is how most of the wares crafted for export in Ironhearth Clan's Forges are shipped to market at Gemhammer Hall. While most of the shipping goes to market there, more than half of it first finds it's way to the Ironhearth Clan business, Ironhearth Pipes, which produces pipes of different types and capacities for various customers from nations to guilds to wealthy individuals.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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