Kaelen Willow

Kaelen Willow - Myra's Father Class: Rogue (Bandit Captain/Archaeologist) (Level 5) Ability Scores Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 17 (+3) Constitution: 13 (+1) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 12 (+1) Hit Points (HP) Base HP: 5d8 (Rogue hit dice) + Constitution modifier per level Total HP: 5 × 4.5 (average of d8) + 5 × 1 (Con modifier) = 27 HP Armor Class (AC) AC: 11 (Leather Armor base) + Dexterity modifier (+3) Total AC: 14 Equipment Leather Armor Scimitar Dagger Crossbow with bolts Thieves' Tools Archaeological tools and artifacts Skills Stealth: +8 Perception: +5 History: +6 (Specialized in ancient artifacts and ruins) Sleight of Hand: +8 Physical Description Age: Early 40s Appearance: Kaelen is ruggedly handsome, with weathered features and a lean, athletic build. He has short, wavy black hair and piercing green eyes. His hands are calloused from years of physical work. Personality Traits Kaelen is charismatic and adventurous, with a knack for getting himself into and out of trouble. He's charming but has a mysterious side, often keeping his true intentions close to his chest.
  Background Formerly a bandit captain, Kaelen turned to the life of an archaeologist, using his skills for exploration and unearthing ancient relics. He's known for his knowledge of forgotten civilizations and his ability to navigate dangerous ruins.
  Rogue Features Sneak Attack: Adds extra damage to attacks when he has the advantage or an ally is nearby. Thieves' Cant: A secret language used among thieves. Cunning Action: Can take a bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide on each turn. Uncanny Dodge: Can halve the damage of an attack that hits him as a reaction. Kaelen Willow's background as a bandit captain and archaeologist makes him a complex character with a wealth of skills and knowledge. His transition from a life of crime to a pursuit of historical knowledge adds depth to his character and provides a range of interaction possibilities within the "Changing Stars" campaign.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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