Lycanthropic Immunity

Lycanthropic Immunity
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (two sprigs of aconite, consumed during casting)
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster

  Lycanthropic Immunity is a spell cloaked in the aura of protection and defiance, a bastion against the creeping dread of lycanthropic infection. It is a shield woven from the very essence of abjuration magic, a safeguard for those who walk the line between the worlds of man and beast.
  As the spellcaster intones the ancient words, the air around them thickens with a tangible sense of security. The aconite, a plant steeped in legends of warding off werewolves, is consumed, its essence forming the core of the spell's protective magic. The act of consumption symbolizes the internalization of this protective force, a merging of magic and mortal form.
  Upon completion of the spell, the recipient becomes an island in a sea of lycanthropic tides, untouched by the curse that plagues many. For the duration of the spell, the target is granted complete immunity to lycanthropic infection. No claw or bite of the werebeast, no matter how vile or cursed, can pierce this magical barrier. Even the peculiar infections of the werefox and wererat, known for their cunning methods of transmission, find no purchase.
  This spell is a beacon of hope for those who venture into the dark woods or the shadowed alleys of the night. It offers temporary respite to those seeking a cure for their affliction and a shield for those who would stand against the lycanthropic menace. While the spell lasts, the target can stride with confidence, knowing they are protected from one of the most dreaded curses known to both the arcane and the wild.
  However, the spell's protection is not without its limits. It does not work on larger beings, and those creatures with inherent magic resistance, particularly non-lycanthropic beings, find themselves immune to the spell's effects. The protection it offers is potent, yet temporary, a reminder of the ever-present danger that lurks where the moon's pale light touches the earth.
  Classes: Cleric, Druid, Paladin
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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