Merihim Hurt

Merihim Hurt, Male Tiefling
Description: A man with thick toned arms and a paunchy gut. He wears dull yellow sweaters, loose blue pants, and alligator leather shoes. Beneath his sweater he keeps a concealed whip, just in case. He wears a top hat to hide his balding. His skin is flawless and his silver eyes scan people very quickly.
  Personality: He is filled with cunning. He likes to feign weakness letting people think he is weak. He dislikes loud distracting noises, but is overall hospitable. His biggest love is that of knowledge and as such will purchase any books or pay to listen to tales that travelers might have.
  History: He was always a brilliant, if unscrupulous mind. A gifted student he started as a Junk Dealer, but he got bored and became a Roofer. He has drifted from career to career and currently works as a Roofer.
  Motivation: Wants to open a new tavern; and sabotage a competitor
  Ideals: Athletic, Logical. Flaws: Secretive, Insane. Bonds: Attractive, Job. Occupation: Roofer
  Voice: Irish accent
Merihim Hurt, Male Tiefling Warrior 5 Medium (5'2") Tiefling, True Neutral (CR 5) Armor Class 9 Hit Points 17 (5d10) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) Skills Investigation +6, Stealth +2 Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Undercommon, Gnoll, Orc Attacks Melee +2 / 2d4-1, Ranged +2 / 2d4-1, Grapple -1 Possessions: 6000 sp. Solid gold idol (1000 gp). Silver comb with moonstones (100 gp).

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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