Moxie Glenn

Moxie Glenn, cradled in the robust arms of the Abuntyr Peaks and kissed by the mist of Liberty Lake, is not merely a village—it is a realm of indomitable spirit and unyielding valor. Where the peaks of ambition meet the tranquil shores of contemplation, Moxie Glenn thrives, its people as steadfast as the mountains they dwell beneath and as fluid in their zest for life as the lake's dancing waves.
A village known for it's boisterous and proudly noble people. Even the commoners are strong of spirit and bold of heart. They host regular sporting events each year both in summer and winter. Their location giving them access to snow-topped mountains and a beautiful lake with it's own aurora many nights. While technically ruled by a Governor appointed by the Baroness, she defers to the town councils' elected members for day to day functioning of the local government.


Ethnic Composition: A tapestry woven from gnome, half-orc, human, dwarf, beast folk, and halfling threads, with the occasional elven silhouette gracing its warp and weft.
Wealth Classes: Predominantly hardworking middle class, with spirited nobility and a smattering of humble artisans.
Professions: Stalwart miners, hearty fishermen, skillful hunters, and a brigade of warriors and rangers.


Leadership: Though a Governor rules in name, the true power resides within the spirited council—an assembly where every voice, from the noble to the commoner, resonates with equal vigor.
Laws and Taxation: Decrees are etched not only in parchment but in the soul of the glenn, focusing on the common good and the preservation of their fierce independence.
Organization: The council chambers are a mosaic of democracy, with traditions as old as the mountains and a dynamism as fresh as the lake breeze.


Physical Defenses: A bulwark of stone and steel, sentinels ever watchful, and the natural fortification of the surrounding wilds.
Magical Defenses: Enchantments woven by the village mystics, as subtle yet potent as the aurora that graces their night skies.

Industry & Trade

Primary Industries: Robust mining, vibrant fisheries, and the crafting of goods as durable as the Glenn's spirit.
Important Exports: Precious metals mined from the mountains' heart, the lake's bounty, and artifacts imbued with the essence of Moxie Glenn.
Major Imports: Tools of trade, fineries for their celebrations, and tomes for their scholars.


Key Structures: The council hall, the market square aglow with life, and the docks where boats bob like the laughter of children.
Utilities: Communal forges, wells as deep as their traditions, and lanterns that flicker with magical flame.


Miner's Bastion: The robust heart of Moxie Glenn's mining operations.
Fisher's Cove: Where the day's catch turns into the night's feast and the public beaches are open until sunset.
The Boardwalk: Where the shipping and travel boats berth and conduct their business.
The Commons: A bustling nucleus of trade and shared endeavor.


Stores and Valuables: Vaults that are as much a treasure of spirit as of material wealth, storing the village's and residents' hard-earned fruits.
Equipment: Tools forged with the strength of the mountains, nets woven with the patience of the lake.

Guilds and Factions

Miners' Brotherhood: The bedrock of Moxie Glenn's mining might.
Lake Wardens: Protectors of the lake's timeless grace and bounty.
Warriors' Pact: Guardians sworn to the Glenn's enduring spirit.


Origins: Born from the mountain's shadow and the lake's embrace, Moxie Glenn is a testament to the enduring human spirit.
Major Events: Celebrated tournaments that crown the summer's heat and winter's chill, echoing with the laughter and roars of their kin.

Points of interest

Governor's Keep: Where governance meets tradition, overlooking the glenn with a watchful eye.
The Aurora's Mirror: The lake, a canvas for celestial dances above.
Cock of the Boardwalk: Floating Tavern of massive size built in the harbor's extensive docks. St. Moxie's Monastery: High atop the mountain the village is built into the base of sits this carved stone monastey, ancient in age but inhabitted by an order of monks and clergy who came here in the mid 800's A.C.


Visitors: Drawn to the spectacle of sportsmanship and the aurora's ethereal ballet.
Accommodations: Homesteads that welcome with warmth akin to the village heart.
Experiences: Thrilling tournaments, serene lake-gazing, and the warmth of a community united by spirit.


Style: Strong stone foundations, with buildings that rise like the aspirations of its people.
Adornments: Each edifice is a homage to the village's vitality, with robust designs that defy the passage of time.


Terrain: A symphony of rugged mountainside, serene lakeshore, and verdant forest edge.
Views: A panorama of nature's magnificence, from craggy peaks to the tranquil lake.


Characteristics: A climate that challenges the body and invigorates the soul, with crisp mountain air and the gentle kiss of lake breezes.

Natural Resources

Ores and Minerals: A rich bounty of iron, copper, and sparkling veins of silver that mirror the stars above. Starmetal and Magnitite are also prevalent.
Water: The lifeblood of the village, Liberty Lake's clear waters, teeming with life and promise.
Founding Date
725 A.C.
Approximately 1,200 permanent souls, each a beacon of the Glenn's unyielding moxie.
Inhabitant Demonym
Moxians, a name worn with as much pride as the armor of their warriors.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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