
A Study in Shadowed Splendor

What is Mythral?
  Mythral, often whispered in the hushed tones of elven smiths and dwarven forges, exists as a paradoxical marvel. A seemingly mundane ore, its true nature is revealed under the strike of iron or stone, blossoming into a dance of silvery sparks. Unlike the more malleable metals, Mythral defies primitive blacksmithing; it demands the sophistication of a vacuum forge for its true potential to be realized. Yet, in its powdered form, it serves as an alchemical catalyst, when alloyed, it creates metals of unparalleled strength and lightness. The most renowned of these alloys is Mythral Steel, a material that intertwines the legacy of elven and dwarven craftsmanship since the ancient Emancipation Wars thousands of years ago, long before the Cataclysm.


Material Characteristics

To the untrained eye, Mythral appears as a mere stone, unassuming in its grey visage. But under the artisan's gaze, it transforms, revealing a mesmerizing play of silver light that dances across its surface, as if it holds within it the very essence of starlight and shadow.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mythral, in its raw form, shares properties akin to titanium, necessitating a vacuum forge for proper smelting into a usable state. It is a hard and brittle stone-like ore that, when struck, powders rather than deforms, revealing its complexity and resilience. This characteristic makes it challenging to work with using conventional methods. However, once properly smelted and refined, Mythral transforms into a versatile and valuable material, capable of enhancing the strength and reducing the weight of metals it is alloyed with.


Mythral's primary compound is Mythral Steel, an alloy celebrated for its lightness and strength. Beyond this, it serves as a catalyst in various arcane and alchemical concoctions, lending its inherent properties to create substances of enhanced potency.

Geology & Geography

Mythral is found in the most recondite and inaccessible places – the roots of ancient mountains, the heart of forgotten forests, and in realms where the veil between the natural and the supernatural is thinnest.

Origin & Source

Mythral is born from the earth itself, its ores nestled in the deepest veins of the world, where elemental forces and ancient magics converge.

Life & Expiration

Unlike many mystical substances, Mythral does not deteriorate or lose its potency over time. It retains its strength and magical properties indefinitely, unaffected by the passage of ages, as enduring as the ancient legends that speak of its origins and uses.

History & Usage


Mythral's history is deeply interwoven with the lore and craftsmanship of the ancient races. Initially a dwarven discovery, it became integral to elven craftsmanship as well. Over time, its applications expanded beyond mere metallurgy. The development of Mythral Weave by the elves, a blend of Mythral Steel, silver, and spidersilk, marked a significant evolution in its use, broadening its application to include textiles and further enhancing its cultural and practical importance.


Mythral was first discovered by the dwarves deep within the heart of the oldest mountains. The exact time of its discovery is lost to history, but it is believed to have been thousands of years ago. The dwarves, known for their deep-earth mining and exceptional smithing skills, were the first to harness its potential, albeit with great effort due to its challenging properties.

Everyday use

While still rare, Mythral finds use in more than just armor and weapons. The innovative Mythral Weave, combining the strength of metals with the flexibility of textile, has become popular in creating lightweight, resilient clothing and armor, suitable for protection without hindering agility. This material is especially favored by elven rangers and other agile warriors who value mobility and stealth.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The cultural significance of Mythral grew with the development of Mythral Weave. Elves, in particular, cherish this material for its blend of natural and arcane qualities, embodying their affinity for harmony between the natural world and skilled craftsmanship. Mythral Weave is often used in ceremonial garments and in the crafting of items that hold both practical and symbolic value.

Industrial Use

The industrial use of Mythral expanded with the advent of Mythral Weave. This innovation opened new avenues in textile manufacturing, blending traditional smithing with more delicate weaving techniques. This process is highly specialized, combining the skills of metalworkers and weavers to produce a material that is both tough like metal and flexible like cloth.


Mythral cannot be used in its raw state; it requires a process of refinement. This involves smelting it in a vacuum forge to purify and prepare it for alloying or crafting. The process is complex and requires a high level of skill and specialized equipment.

Manufacturing & Products

Besides weapons and armor, Mythral is now also used in the manufacturing of protective clothing and lightweight, durable gear. Mythral Weave has become a sought-after material for creating items that require the strength of metal but the flexibility and comfort of fabric, like protective undergarments, cloaks, and specialized adventuring gear.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The production of Mythral Weave generates unique byproducts, including a resilient, silver-infused thread that finds use in other forms of textile production. Additionally, the process creates a variety of lesser metals and alloys that are often repurposed for less demanding applications.


Working with Mythral, particularly during its smelting and forging, poses significant hazards. The extreme temperatures required can be dangerous, and the process demands precise control to avoid accidents. Additionally, the fine powder produced when it is struck can be a respiratory hazard if not properly managed.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of Mythral mining and refinement is relatively low compared to other metals, as its rarity limits extensive mining operations. However, the processes involved in its extraction and refinement do require significant energy and can disrupt local ecosystems if not managed responsibly.

Reusability & Recycling

Mythral's recyclability extends to Mythral Weave. Damaged or worn-out Mythral Weave products can be unraveled, and the metal components melted down and reused. The spidersilk, although not reusable in its original form, can be repurposed for other applications, further emphasizing the sustainable nature of this material.


Trade & Market

Predominantly sourced from elven and dwarven craftsmen. Most available Mythral is recycled or part of existing artifacts. Mythral Weave is even rarer, often custom-made or found in high-end heirlooms.


Mythral, in its ore or alloyed form, does not require special storage conditions. It's non-reactive and durable, making it easy to store under normal conditions. Mythral Weave, however, often warrants more careful handling to preserve its intricate weaving and prevent damage. It's typically stored in well-ventilated, dry areas, often in cloth-lined containers to prevent tarnishing of the metal and damage to the silk.

Law & Regulation

Given its value and potential use in creating powerful weapons and armor, the trade and ownership of Mythral and Mythral Weave are often subject to strict regulations. In many realms, the mining, refinement, and sale of Mythral are controlled by government decrees or guild regulations. There are often export restrictions, and in some cases, only certain classes or races (like nobility, high-ranking military officials, or specific artisan guilds) are permitted to own or work with it. The laws can be especially stringent regarding Mythral Weave, due to its strategic and cultural importance. In others, such as the Kingdom of Eldoria, there are no restrictions.


355 Amu (Average)
1 Mythral Ingot = 50 GP. Mythral Weave (per square yard) = 200 GP.
The scent of Mythral is as enigmatic as its appearance. In its raw form, it carries a faint, almost imperceptible earthy aroma, reminiscent of rain-soaked stone and ancient, undisturbed soil. This aroma intensifies subtly when the ore is smelted.
Mythral, when brought to the tongue, betrays a flavor that belies its metallic nature. It imparts a complex amalgamation of tastes, akin to a blend of mineral earthiness with an unexpected hint of frost.
In its unrefined state, Mythral presents a deceptive facade of dull grey, akin to a twilight sky just before the fall of night. Yet, when struck or smelted, it reveals its hidden luster, shimmering with an ephemeral silvery radiance.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Mythral has a boiling point of 2,875°C (5,207°F) and a condensation point of 2,700°C (4,892°F).
Melting / Freezing Point
Mythral has a melting point of 1,450°C (2,642°F) and a freezing point of 1,430°C (2,606°F).
5 g/cm³ (average)
Common State
Mythral is most commonly found in a solid state, its ore embedded deep within the heart of mountains or the roots of ancient, towering trees, where the mundane and the magical intersect.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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