Roger's Wonders

  Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside has a weird smell.
Description: The enchanter is a timber framed and large single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. A dog serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains a number of pots and miscellaneous supplies hanging from the ceiling and a chest of drawers full of components.


Driftglobe (dmg 166) (726 gp)
Bead of Force (dmg 154) (956 gp)
Pipes of the Sewers (dmg 185) (1,995 gp)
Wand of Magic Missiles (dmg 211) (1,500 gp) - A wand that allows the user to cast the Magic Missile spell a certain number of times per day.
Cloak of Protection (dmg 159) (3,500 gp) - A cloak that grants a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while worn.
Bag of Holding (dmg 153) (2,500 gp) - A magical bag that provides extra-dimensional storage space without increasing its weight.
Gloves of Thievery (dmg 172) (2,000 gp) - Gloves that enhance the wearer's dexterity and stealth, giving bonuses to Sleight of Hand and Dexterity checks.
Slippers of Spider Climbing (dmg 200) (2,000 gp) - Slippers that allow the wearer to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings.
Quiver of Ehlonna (dmg 189) (1,800 gp) - A quiver that can hold numerous items without increasing in weight or size.
Immovable Rod (dmg 175) (5,000 gp) - A rod that, when activated, stays fixed in place until deactivated, even in mid-air.

Other Patrons:

Raer Siannodel, Male Half-Elf
Baelitae Cithreth, Female Half-Elf
Quarion Staurheim, Male Half-Elf

Roger's Wonders

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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