Senteq Timbers

Senteq Timbers, Male Gnome
Description: A 3'8" northern man, he is wearing the road beaten gear of a warrior. His hair is long and blonde with streaks of red, and is pulled back with small black clips. His beard is red, braided, and well cared for. He has brown eyes.

  Personality: He seems absolutely devoid of it. He stares off into space and will respond with overly literal and minimalist answers to questions. He is able to make almost anything out of random pieces of junk.

  History: Born to a poor family in the city he treasured whatever gifts he got. He always admired psionic-users and wanted to develop the talent, but never had the affinity for it. He routinely visits covens of witches but complains that many are fraudulent and lack true knowledge of magic.

  Motivation: His spouse's relatives view him with great suspicion; and marry his sister to traveling adventurers

  Ideals: Fighting, Gifted, Logical. Flaws: Mundane. Bonds: Poor, Family. Occupation: Dilettante

  Voice: Italian accent

Senteq Timbers, Male Gnome Warrior 2
Small (3'8") Gnome, Neutral Good (CR 2)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 16 (2d10)
Speed 20 ft.
12 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills Stealth +1, Survival +3
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Gnome, Orc, Elven
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d6+1, Ranged +1 / 1d6-1, Grapple +1
Possessions: Just what you see.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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