Session 3: A Long Hard Knights Rest Report

General Summary

Comprehensive After Action Report: Goblin Warband Assault on Knight Homestead

Incident Overview:

A sophisticated and multi-faceted assault was executed by a goblin warband, led by the formidable Goblin Chief Grukk the Twice-Born, targeting the Knight Homestead. The attack utilized a combination of stealth tactics, subterranean ambushes, and fiery artillery, alongside a coordinated distraction strategy.  

Primary Participants:

  • Moku Knight: Showed exceptional combat prowess and strategic thinking, playing a pivotal role in repelling the goblin assault and eliminating the Goblin Chief.
  • Bunny Knight: Demonstrated resourcefulness and quick action, notably using a potent acid attack to critically injure the Goblin Chief.
  • Captain Helena: Engaged in direct combat with the Goblin Chief, sustaining critical injuries.
  • Elara (soldier): Engaged goblins on the roof, delaying their entry but was ultimately knocked unconscious.
  • Toren (soldier): Continued to fight effectively despite sustaining a broken ankle from a stampeding auroch.
  • Bram (soldier): Provided crucial support to Toren, ensuring he wasn't overwhelmed.
  • Roscoe (soldier): Actively disrupted the goblin fireslingers and aided in the counter-offensive.
  • Detailed Sequence of Events:

    1. Initial Detection: - Moku Knight's sharp perception allowed early spotting of goblins using fog and aurochs for cover. He engaged a leaping goblin and informed Bunny Knight of the situation.   2. Homestead Assault: - Bunny Knight moved children to safety and used liquid lye in a critical line attack, killing three goblins and severely injuring the Goblin Chief. - Elara fought bravely on the roof but was knocked off, becoming unconscious, yet significantly delayed the goblins. - Moku Knight, after eliminating roof assailants, used his vehicle to disrupt the goblin fireslingers and orchestrated a successful counter-offensive.   3. Injuries and Heroism: - Toren, despite a broken ankle, showed commendable resilience in combat. - Bram provided critical support to Toren, exemplifying teamwork under duress. - Captain Helena, despite injuries, fought valiantly against the Goblin Chief.   4. Resolution: - The goblin forces retreated following the Goblin Chief's defeat. - Moku Knight and soldiers contained and extinguished fires on the homestead. - Remaining goblins inside the house were cleared, with some attempting theft and vandalism.   5. Aftermath and Recovery: - The Knights, along with Captain Helena, initiated cleanup and care procedures. - Plans were made for contacting military command for reinforcements and tracking the goblin tribe.  

    Tactical Observations:

  • The Goblin Chief's leadership made him a significant threat; his elimination was crucial.
  • Bunny Knight’s unconventional weaponry proved highly effective.
  • Elara's efforts on the roof were instrumental in delaying goblin ingress.
  • Toren and Bram's display of resilience and teamwork was vital in maintaining the defense.
  • Recommendations:

  • Enhance perimeter security and surveillance to better detect stealth approaches.
  • Implement additional safety measures for rooftop defenders.
  • Ensure ready access to medical supplies and support for injuries.
  • Conclusion:

    The coordinated defense led by the Knights, with notable contributions from each team member, successfully repelled a complex and multi-faceted goblin assault. The bravery, resilience, and quick thinking displayed during the attack provide valuable lessons for future encounters and defense strategies. The aftermath of the assault sets the stage for further actions, including reinforcement requests and pursuit of the goblin warband.
    Moku Knights
    Moku The Ninja
    Bunny Knight
    Report Date
    15 Jan 2024

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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