Storm Cottage

Small Cottage

Asking Prices | Rent: 8 sp/d | Buy: 1500 gp
Location: Low Town
Description: The house is a brick simple building, with a heather-thatched roof and a smooth stone floor. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest. In one corner is an enclosed cooking fire with a flickering flame.
There is a colony of squirrels living in the trees behind the cottage, and they love to sneak inside and pillage whatever food goods they can get their claws on.
The house across the street has a large family living in it, and one of them is a geriatric busybody, always sitting on the porch and watching. Will yell rudely if they see you doing anything odd or illegal looking. Also has a pair of young teens and a toddler often playing in the yard. The teens are brother and sister twins, and will badger you for work to do for coin anytime they see you passing by or outside the cottage.
Storm Cottage


Classic Brick construction atop Dwarven stonework foundation. Intensely cow pattern and ranch home chic decorated.


Simple crossbar lock for door.
Windows have Peg-Latching Shutters.


Constructed after the great fire back in 693 A.C. for one of the guard captains at the time to thank him for his service rescuing people during the fire.


The Storm Cottage, once the quiet retreat of Aelar the Scribe, whose famed novel "Winds of the Ancients" was penned within its quaint walls, is shrouded in tales. Villagers whisper of a hidden chamber where Aelar's lost manuscripts lie, and some claim to see lights in the empty cottage on stormy nights—perhaps the scribe's spirit is still musing over unfinished tales. Its prime location offers travelers and bards alike inspiration from the bustling village life and the serene wilderness, making it a coveted spot for those seeking a muse or a little mystery.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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