The Ivory Bard


The Ivory Bard

Owner: Druuk Rutland, Male Half-Orc

  Location: In a well-lit avenue with guard towers. The street outside has a weird smell. A body falls from above.
Description: The tavern is a wooden rowhouse, with an orange shingled roof and a big brick chimney. It contains a number of pots and miscellaneous supplies hanging from the ceiling and a small stage for performers.
Quests and Rumors
By Gather Info DC:1
  • As you step out of the tavern, a disheveled girl smashes into you. "Wilkenson's dog is loose again!" she exclaims as she attempts to hide behind you. You turn back in the direction she came to see a metal construct resembling a dog charging toward you.
  • Grave robbers working for a necromancer are running out of graves and start looking for easy prey, choosing one or more of the party as targets.
  • A local sage/astronomer is convinced that a massive meteor is going to strike the village.

  •   DC:11
  • A talking hat that wishes to be reunited with its owner, Fizban the old wizard. It was blown off the wizards head from the top of a tall tower nearby.

  •   DC:13
  • The normally-inert gargoyles atop the Sealed Keep have animated and started attacking people that approach the building

  •   DC:15
    Dwarven explorers uncover a mad wizard’s vault.

      DC: 17 (12 if the one making the check is a rogue or otherwise knows thieves cant)
    Rogues Guild Contract: A vampiric bard is dining on the finest artists in town. This is bad for our business, take him out for 10,000 gp. reward with proof of death or entrapment and delivery to Greydove.

    The PCs learn of a new gambling parlor that caters only to the extremely wealthy. They also learn that whatever’s going on there does not involve cards or dice. Yet the patrons and proprietors happily confirm that serious money changes hands through the course of an evening. The parlor is divided into a series of small rooms, each of which has a scrying pool at its centre. The pools allow gamblers to watch adventuring parties fight monsters. Bets are placed on the actions and outcome of each combatant.


    The Ivory Bard
    Beetroot Sandwich with Barley Biscuits and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)
    Bacon Burger with Sharp Cheese (4 sp)
    Egg Sandwich (3 sp)

      Other Patrons:
    Ilga Presley, Female Half-Orc
    Emen Clinton, Female Half-Orc
    Ghâm Blackwood, Male Half-Orc
    Brakka Dalton, Female Half-Orc
    Ownka Hallewell, Female Half-Orc
    Valanthe Koehlanna, Female Elf
    Roger Galanodel, Male Half-Elf
    Zûmug Bradshaw, Male Half-Orc
    Azdûsh Fulton, Male Half-Orc
    Norûk Budd, Male Half-Orc

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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