The Shimmering Duty

  Location: In Midtown on the main street near Eastgate. The street outside has a crowd watching performers doing magic tricks.
Description: The blacksmith is a plaster tower, with a white shingled roof and moss-covered walls. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains piles of scrolls and books on the counter and along the walls and a forge in the shape of a dragon's mouth.


Shield, +1 (dmg 200) (1,363 gp)
Ammunition, +1 (dmg 150) (24 gp)
Demon Armor (dmg 165) (1,802 gp)
Sword of Wounding (dmg 207) (2,310 gp) - A magical sword that causes wounds which are difficult to heal.
Warhammer, +1 (dmg 213) (1,501 gp) - A magically enhanced warhammer granting a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Plate Armor of Etherealness (dmg 185) (4,800 gp) - Magical plate armor allowing the wearer to become ethereal for a short period each day.
Mithral Armor (Chain Shirt) (dmg 182) (800 gp) - A light, flexible chain shirt made of mithral that doesn't impose disadvantage on Stealth checks.
Adamantine Armor (Breastplate) (dmg 150) (1,350 gp) - A sturdy breastplate made of adamantine, rendering the wearer immune to critical hits.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (dmg 171) (2,000 gp) - Gauntlets that set the wearer's Strength score to 19 while worn.
Boots of Elvenkind (dmg 155) (500 gp) - Boots that allow the wearer to move silently, granting advantage on Stealth checks.
Masterwork Longsword (Homebrew) (75 gp) - A finely crafted longsword with superior balance, granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Reinforced Scale Mail (Homebrew) (65 gp) - Scale mail enhanced with additional metal plating, providing an AC of 15 + Dex modifier (max 2).
Customized Leatherworker's Tools (Homebrew) (25 gp) - A set of high-quality tools designed for detailed leatherworking, including special stamps and awls.
Dragon's Mouth Forge Tongs (Homebrew) (15 gp) - Uniquely crafted tongs made from high-grade steel, shaped like a dragon's jaws, designed for precision and durability.
Engraved Steel Shield (Homebrew) (30 gp) - A sturdy steel shield with intricate engravings, offering the same protection as a standard shield but with an artistic flair.

Other Patrons:

Ovak Beitz, Female Half-Orc
Eugelina Harley, Female Human

The Shimmering Duty

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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