Theren Sunshadow

Theren Sunshadow - Elara's Father Class: Wizard (Level 3) Ability Scores Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 17 (+3) Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 13 (+1) Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 13 (+1) Hit Points (HP) Base HP: 3d6 (Wizard hit dice) + Constitution modifier per level Total HP: 3 × 3.5 (average of d6) + 3 × 0 (Con modifier) = 10 HP Armor Class (AC) AC: 10 (Base) + Dexterity modifier (+3) Total AC: 13 Equipment General: Scholarly robes, a satchel with books and scrolls, a wand. Special Item: An ornate amulet gifted by the Morinrayne Society. Skills Arcana: +4 (Intelligence-based, reflecting his scholarly background). History: +4 (Intelligence-based, due to his extensive study of ancient civilizations). Physical Description Age: Mid-50s Appearance: Theren has a slender, graceful build, with long silver hair that he often ties back. His features are sharp and angular, typical of his elven heritage. His eyes are a piercing emerald green. Personality Traits Theren is intellectual and reserved, often lost in thought. He has a deep passion for knowledge and is dedicated to his research. He can be distant at times but shows a softer side to his daughter, Elara.
  Background A scholar with the Morinrayne Society, Theren has dedicated his life to the study of ancient cultures and magical artifacts. He is well-respected in his field and has made significant contributions to the Society's archives.
  Spells Cantrips: Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Light 1st-Level Spells: Identify, Detect Magic, Shield, Magic Missile 2nd-Level Spells: Invisibility, Mirror Image Theren's wizard class and spell selection reflect his scholarly pursuits and his role within the Morinrayne Society. His intelligence and dedication to his work make him an invaluable resource in the study of ancient artifacts and arcane mysteries.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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