Titan's Codex

Titan's Codex
0-level divination, ritual, Titanmagic
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S (a snap of the fingers and a whispered phrase in ancient High Orcish)
Duration: Up to 1 minute
  From the esoteric vaults of cosmic wisdom, bestowed by the ancient Titans upon the fabric of reality, emerges the spell known as Titan's Codex. This cantrip is an ethereal tapestry, woven from the threads of destiny and self-awareness, a silent guide to those who seek to transcend the mortal coil and ascend to realms unfathomable.
  Upon invoking Titan's Codex, the caster summons a transparent, illusionary overlay, a mystical interface that reveals the deepest truths of their being. This spectral tableau manifests the caster's current and forthcoming experience points, Ability Score Improvement (ASI) points, the intricacies of their ability scores, saving throws, skills, and an exhaustive compendium of their class or race features, feats, and spells, both prepared and potential, in vivid detail.
  This revelation is personal, a mirror to the soul, visible only to the caster in its default form. However, with a deliberate intent, the caster can unveil this codex to others. When revealed, it materializes as an ethereal banner unfurling before them, inscribed with the intricate details of their prowess and potential, an open book of their journey and capabilities. The caster has no means of altering what is revealed, it is an all or nothing. If they want it to say something else, they have to put in the effort to change that aspect of themselves.
  At higher levels, the codex evolves, accommodating the expansion of the caster's knowledge and skills. It becomes a living document, chronicling the growth and achievements of the caster, adapting to their ever-changing journey towards the elusive pinnacle of godhood.
  The verbal component, a phrase in ancient High Orcish, echoes the language of the Titans, imbuing the spell with a resonance that transcends time and space. It is a testament to the titans' legacy, their gift of enlightenment to mortals, a tool for introspection, and a beacon for honest revelation of one's abilities and achievements.
  Titan's Codex is not merely a spell; it is a bridge between what is and what could be, a guiding star in the quest for ascension, a solemn vow to tread the path laid out by the Titans, and a promise of the greatness that lies within every soul brave enough to embark on this celestial odyssey.
  Verbal Component: A speculative translation for "b’â vii kooj’" could be "Reveal Yourself To Me" in Common or English.
Pronounced /ʋu ɓəˈukmɔ ɨːʤ/
Pronunciation for English speakers:
"voo buh-ook-maw ih-eej"
"voo" as in "book"
"buh" as in "but" with a slight puff of air
"ook-maw" with "ook" rhyming with "book" and "maw" as in "saw"
"ih-eej" with "ih" as in "bit" and "eej" rhymes with "beige"
  Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric, Paladin
Source: Custom Creation
Example of the spells Display:

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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