Vaina Hanali

Vaina Hanali, Female Elf
Description: She dresses well wearing brown shirts, loose pants, and blazers most of the time. Her hair is golden and very short. She has several tiny amber earrings on each ear.
  Personality: She is a sleazy, sleazy gal. She has no qualms about using her powers of suggestion to get people to do what she wants. More though she will beg to come along on any journeys. She will attempt to stowaway on any ship she can in the hopes that it will get her further away.
  History: Vaina was born in the north. At a young age she loved to build and create. She sought a place where she would be rewarded solely on the merits of her skills. This search led her directly into Animal Trainer work with an outfit from a few towns over. Animal Trainer work suited her well, and with each successful project, she earned more gold and more respect from her peers. She now owns her own business.
  Motivation: Further expansion of business; and to unite with her sister
  Ideals: Persistence. Bonds: Attractive, Rich, Slave, Job, Family. Occupation: Animal Trainer
  Voice: Speaks with lower jaw sticking out
Vaina Hanali, Female Elf Fighter 4 Medium (5'1") Elf, Lawful Evil (CR 4) Armor Class 11 Hit Points 33 (4d10) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Skills Performance +5, Stealth +3 Senses Passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Elven, Infernal, Terran Attacks Melee +6 / 1d10+4, Ranged +3 / 1d10+1, Grapple +4 Possessions: 400 gp.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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