Variant Human Bloodline

Variant Human Bloodline Build Guide

If your campaign uses the optional feat rules from the Player’s Handbook, your Dungeon Master might allow these variant traits, all of which replace the human’s Ability Score Increase trait and bonus feat.
  Choose a bloodline name and write at least one to three paragraphs of story explaining why this family exists and has the abilities and specialties it has. You have six build points with which to purchase your unique human racial features for your specific bloodline. They may be chosen between the following at a cost of one point each except feats which cost three points each and spellcasting which is variable. Your DM may allow Bonus Build points for exceptional family history or family flaws with a good story.
  Alternatively, you may spend one or more build points and reserve the unspent others to discover during gameplay instead. If you wish to play this route, you must get dm approval before beginning play with this character option.
  Ability Score Increase Cost 1 build point
Ability score of your choice increases by 1. May be taken multiple times, and each time may apply to the same ability score or a different one. May not raise an ability score above 20.
  Martial Proficiencies Cost 1+ build points
Martial Master (one to four build points for each weapon or armor type): You gain proficiency in one weapon or armor type of your choice. This may be taken multiple times, but must apply to a new weapon or armor type each time. You may spend an additional two build points to gain expertise with one weapon type of your choice that you are proficient with. You may spend an additional three build points to add your proficiency bonus to your AC when using one Armor type of your choice that you are proficient with.
  Skills Cost 1 build point
Skilled: You gain proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice, if you already have proficiency or would gain it from another source (such as a feat, background, class, class feature, or magic item or spell) you now have Expertise (double proficiency) with it. This may be taken multiple times, but must apply to a new skill or tool each time.
Talented: You gain advantage on checks with one skill or tool of your choice. This may be taken multiple times, but must apply to a new skill each time. You are not required to be proficient in the skill you are Talented in. This is like the Lucky feat in that if another source would provide advantage, Talented still provides an additional d20 to the roll and you may choose the better result.
  Feat Cost 3 build points
You gain one feat of your choice.
  Spellcasting Cost 1+ build points
You gain one cantrip or level one or two or three spell of your choice for the cost of one build point per cantrip or level one spell, two build points for a level two spell, or four build points for a level three spell. If it is a cantrip you may use it as often as you like. If it is a level one you may use it once per short rest without expending a spell slot to cast it. If it is a level two you may use it once per long rest without expending a spell slot to cast it. If it is a level three you may use once without expending a spell slot to cast it and then it requires a Recharge 6 check before it can be cast again like this, which can only be made during a long rest and only one recharge check can be made per long rest. Choose your spellcasting ability for this spell between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma; this spell always uses that ability score as it’s spellcasting ability regardless of your spellcasting class or the class spell list it normally is restricted to.
Your spell gained this way gains the following Unique Benefits:
Your Spell Attack and/or Save DC gains +2 Bonus for this spell, if it heals HP it heals an additional +2 HP, if it deals damage it does an additional +2 damage of the same type as the spell, if it grants a bonus to some other kind of check then the bonus amount it grants is increased by +2.
Concentration spells do not use your concentration, instead lasting their full duration unless dismissed with a reaction or knocked unconscious.
All spells gained this way do not require Material Components, even ones with a GP value, when cast using this feature.
All spells gained this way may also be cast using appropriate level spell slots, with the unique benefits persisting even when casting them using spell slots, if you are a spellcaster with appropriate spell level slots you may cast spells gained this way with all of the unique benefits when using a spell slot to cast it and may always cast it without having prepared it.
Lastly, if you are a spellcaster, you may teach this unique spell variant you know to the same kind of spellcaster you are. You may also record this variant as a spell scroll or into a spellbook.
  Flaws it is recommended to limit flaw build points to 12 max for very high power games, half that or lower for more normal fantasy power levels.
For Simple Flaws, you gain a set number of build points related to the disadvantage presented by the flaw times the severity modifier for how often it will trigger.
For Dynamic Flaws, you gain build points equal to the number of disadvantages the flaw invokes times the severity modifier for how often it will trigger.
Severity Levels are: Low (x0.5), Medium (x1), High (x2), Epic (x3)
Disadvantages. Choose an ability score to be affected by disadvantage related to the flaw, all ability checks and saving throws using that ability are at disadvantage after a failed Flaw Trigger check until you complete a long rest. Flaw Trigger check is called for when a character is faced with their trigger and they must make a Wisdom saving throw DC equal to their total build points used +8.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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