Veil of Titans' Secrecy

Veil of Titans' Secrecy
2nd-level abjuration, ritual, Titanmagic
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a lock of hair from each target and a copper piece for each target, all of which is consumed with casting), F (a small silver mirror)
Duration: 1 hour
  From the depths of ancient wisdom, where secrets lie shrouded in the mists of time, emerges Veil of Titans' Secrecy. This spell is a bastion of privacy and protection, a sacred shield woven by the Titans themselves to guard against prying eyes and unwanted revelations. It serves as a testament to the sanctity of the individual's essence and the right to one's own mysteries.
  Upon casting Veil of Titans' Secrecy, the caster weaves an invisible, impenetrable to divination magic shroud around themselves and up to two chosen targets within range. This veil is a sanctuary of silence, a barrier that deflects the intrusive tendrils of divination magic such as Oracle's Gaze, and other similar spells of lower levels, automatically granting success against their saving throws and preventing penetration completely by those that do not grant a save. Any spells of higher level than this one instead allow the caster to reroll a failed save and end this spells effects once before the duration expires.
  Each target enveloped by this spell becomes a bastion of secrecy, their essence shielded from external scrying and probing. The veil acts as a guardian, a silent sentinel that watches over the hidden truths and inner workings of those it protects, ensuring their privacy remains inviolate.
  At Higher Levels: As the caster's prowess grows, so too does the potency of the veil. With each spell slot level above 2nd used, the spell embraces additional targets, adding two more for each level, and extends its protective range by an additional 30 feet you can target within. This augmentation symbolizes the expanding influence of the caster, their deepening bond with the protective magic of the Titans, and their commitment to safeguarding the sanctity of individuality and privacy.
  Veil of Titans' Secrecy is not merely a defensive spell; it is a declaration of autonomy, a statement of respect for the sacred nature of personal truths, and a gift from the titans, empowering mortals to guard their destinies and forge their paths unobserved and unimpeded by unwarranted intrusion.
  Verbal Component: A speculative translation for "b’âchawːm" could be "Concealing Aura" in Common or English.
Pronounced /ɓəʧɔːm/
Pronunciation for English speakers:
"buh" as in "but" with a slight puff of air
"chawm" as in "chow" (like the food) with an 'm' at the end, and the 'ch' is more of a sharper sound as in "chop".
  Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric, Paladin
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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