Wildcloak Cruck House

Cruck House

Owner: Lidda Wildcloak, Female Halfling
Asking Prices | Rent: 3 gp/d | Buy: 1300 gp
Location: Low Town
The house is a timber and brick two-storey building, with a white shingled roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. It contains 5 rooms total with 2 bedrooms, each containing a chest. The kitchen has a brick hearth with cold coals. Outside is a small garden of herbs.
Quest Opportunity: Turns out someone has been using one of the rooms as a dead drop for a smuggling operation. You find 10 pounds of very rare illicit herbs hidden in one of the rooms while putting your things away. The "owner" comes looking for them in the early A.M. and will be hostile if they think some of it has been taken.
Also, the house is being watched by a street gang of country thugs looking to rob whoever rents the place. They will wait for the renters to leave in the morning and rob the house of anything that doesn't look like it belongs.
Wildcloak Cruck House
Purchase Offers: Lidda will entertain any questions you may have about the history of the house, constantly and obviously embellishing it to make it sound more valuable than it is. She will wilfully ignore any questions about any damage to the house, instead responding with more interesting facts about the house's history and benefits.
Rental Rules: Lidda will only rent to adventurers on a weekly basis, paid up front. She will note any belongings remaining in the house 24 hours after rent is unpaid will be forfeit and auctioned for cleaning costs on the house. A maid will come by to clean the house once a week as well when rented. The rare herbs found:

Changing Stars Campaign Setting

Starwhisper Herb

Trade Good


Type: Magical Flora
  Size: Small (up to 1-3 feet)
  Growth Rate: Hypergrowth (matures in days to weeks)
  Life Cycle: Metamorphic (transforms through different forms)
  Rarity: Legendary (exists in only one location or phases in and out of reality)
  Healing Properties: When used in a potion or as a poultice, the herb can heal moderate wounds or illnesses.
Memory Enhancement: Inhaling the scent of the flowers sharpens memory and enhances mental clarity.
Planar Insight: Consuming the herb can grant brief insights into other planes, revealing glimpses of other worlds or realities.

Cost: 100 GP
Weight: 1 oz.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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