The Salt Butterfly Species in Chanirith | World Anvil
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The Salt Butterfly

This particular form of butterfly is impervious to cold temperatures through its constant intake of salt. It is said if a salt butterfly lands on you it is a sign of good luck. This happens more often then you would expect, as sweat is one of the easiest ways for them to collect the salt that they need to survive. Their natural way of collecting hard rock salt is by releasing a small amount of water for the salt to dissolve into and then they drink up the solution with their proboscis. They are incredibly beautiful with speckled red wings in an otherwise colorless tundra, and when they flap their wings microscopic salt dust will fall off. If you get a large enough kaleidoscope (group of butterflies), the butterflies will actually cause the ice and snow around them to melt due to the constant salt being given off.

Basic Information


This butterfly has four wings and a small liquid sack that lies underneath its thorax. This sack holds a salt solution that it will excrete onto hard rock salt in order to drink the solution afterwards.

Ecology and Habitats

This species thrives in the current winter habitat, but they will usually try and live around old salt lakes, hard working humans, or salt mines, however they are most commonly found on the coasts, where they can drink sea water without having to resort to their soluble solution

Dietary Needs and Habits

It needs a constant supply of salt. They use it as a way to avoid freezing in the most dangerous cold temperatures, and it will perform this task either by creating a salt solution out of rock salt, or drinking it straight from the sea itself.

Biological Cycle

These butterflies lay their eggs in salt water, and upon hatching they will swim through the water collecting the salt. Those that survive the battle not to be eaten by nearly anything in the sea, will wash on shore and create a small salt shell surrounding its body. Once it breaks free it will become a beautiful butterfly that tends to stay in the sea, but those found inland are always considered good luck.
Scientific Name
Rhopalocera Saline

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