Human, high Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

Human, high

The race of High Men in Rolemaster, can be though of as humans that represent humans who are of a more advanced lineage or are more advanced from a genetic perspective. Thus they have the stat bonuses detailed in the Rolemaster system, but have fewer Development Points (DP's) to spend during the Character Creation process (to help balance out the slightly improved stats) than either the Mixed Humans or the much more common Common Humans.   Or if you are more familiar with the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, then they would be comparable to the Dunedain, Edain and/or Numenoreans of Middle Earth lore. Please note that these references to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien are in no way meant as any type of copyright infringement and are used only as a reference to his incredible world of Middle Earth.   Among the World of Ærnth setting races that are classified and/or developed using the High Humans details in Rolemaster are the following peoples:   Aquilai
some of the Argrandi
some of the Northerner
Tengond   Return to the World of Ærnth or Channel Cities articles/pages.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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