J3-4 Red Hooded Traveler

Written by Adsmalley

by Aaron Smalley
The Red Hooded Traveler is located in the Black Swan District of the City of Martelain. It sets on a corner and is a three-story stone structure, with a tile roof. All the other buildings surrounding it are only two stories. It caters to the middle-class working folk. It also has a few things about it that are uncomon among other inns and taverns in the Channel Cities, including large heated private bathing rooms, a stage in the tavern common room for dancers or bards to perform on, as well as a limited access (they charge extra) auditorium with a stage that is protected by iron bars where more exotic acts and performances are held. They also have a small stable within the building. Their prices are slightly above average, and their quality is also about average (the food is slightly below, but not by much, while their drinks are slightly above average in quality, and priced accordingly).
by Aaron Smalley
The owner is Ramon Geranaldi. He is of average height and build and of late middle age. He is a man of few words but strong opinions. While he is rather quiet, when he has something to say he is not afraid to say it. He is very skilled with a dagger both in melee and especially thrown, as well as being very skilled (and accurate) at throwing other objects (beer mugs, plates, bowls, stools, and nearly any other object that can be picked up). He has a staff that is comprised of both friendly and gruff barmaids (sometimes very friendly), housekeepers, cooks, and stable hands.
by Aaron Smalley
Among the common patrons of the Red Hooded Traveler are contacts for the Hydra (a burglary and espionage guild that operates out of Martelain). They can be recognized by the grey and brown striped sashes they sometimes wear. On occasion members of the Northern Empires Patrols will stop in, however Ramon tries to not create any problems with them, serving them as needed to pacify them so they will go on their way. He is not a supporter of the Northern Empire and will actually sometimes help out rebels, but only so far as not creating any suspicion of himself or his establishment.
    Return to the Channel Cities, Martelain or the J3 Black Swan District of Martelain.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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