K4-46 Sneth's Baskets and Traps

Written by Adsmalley

This moderately-large and relatively new building of wood construction with a roof of wood shakes, is two stories high, with half of the upper floor serving as the living quarters of the owners, Albart Sneth and his wife Veriha Sneth. While the other half of the upper floor has four small tenements that are rented out. The lower floor is laid out as if it had once been a small stable; but now serves as a combination of a basket weaving and shellfish-trap/”pot” making business, with the remaining (former horse) “stalls” being leased out occasionally for storage of goods for merchants (on the rare occasion that there is actually a demand in a city that has an abundance of empty buildings).   Veriha usually deals with most of the customers, despite her somewhat harsh and mean personality, but at least she is usually eager to sell their baskets and fish traps. Their more regular customers try to deal more with Albart, but he is a very quiet and introverted man who rarely speaks to anyone that he doesn't know very well.   Floor plans for this establisment will follow when time permits to scan them in and get them uploaded.   Return to Channel Cities, Martelain, or the K4 Merchant’s Square District of Martelain.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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