Destroyers return


The Prophecy foretells of the return of dark destroyer who will once more return and make the world over, in his image.

Historical Basis

Dudraig Bringer Of Death was taken down during the great even, and swore he'd return.
He was known for causing choas and destruction to that of which even Chaos could not stand.
Vowed to return and destroy those who oppose him and his followers, while promising his follwers a thriving life.
His followers tried go after the ancient dragons to find a way to free him. His imp


The story isn't as well known as it once was, most people tried to erase any knowledge of the Bringer of Death. For semi obvious reasons. The myth and letters can be found deep within archives dedicated to to ancient times.

Variations & Mutation

Some say that the destroyer will free everyone and bring about the end of master.
That the world will have nothing left.
Titans will be brought back.
Some add on with stories of ancient heroes rising to battle him.

Cultural Reception

The legend is most known by those who follow Dudraig Bringer Of Death and still worship him. They secretly passed this information along generation to generation. They view this as the intended goal of their exsistance to bring him back, and assist in his rise once more.
Other that know of this are old beings who interact very little with the world.
Some view it as a creepy childrens tale warning of Greed.

In Art

A massive Dragon, with void like scales breathing black fire over cities. His followers protected from his flames and others burning arround them.
Sometimes the art shows Four ancient dragons battling the void like dragon.
Date of First Recording
139 B.C
Date of Setting


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