Heart Decay Condition in Chaos Gremlin World | World Anvil

Heart Decay


Significant damage to the Heart Tree, or Region Heart, will cause the Heart to become weak and unable to sustain the region. Can be caused by a physical attack or a significant amount of poison or other damage.


Heart begins to weaken, area around the trunk or base begins to lose magical appearance. The magic in the area starts to change, a thick dense mist will form starting at the heart base. The mist or fog will start out hazy and then become thick, almost enough so that a person would feel like they are choking or breathing in toxic fumes. Each Heart varies a little bit, cause each region is a little bit different.
The mist, will create noxous or evil creatures, using the areas inhabitants if need be.
Unrest of souls will cause spectars and willow'wisps' to form and appear.
The mist will cause it to feel like no light is in the area.
Slowly the flora and fauna will start to be effected starting near the Heart and slowly spreading to the edges of the region.
Those who live in the region, will start to become sick the longer they are exposed. Constant or near constant healing can help. Eventually inhabitants may die or be turned to stone, the magic of the Heart even while corrupted will still try to protect its inhabitants. Turning them to stone makes them survive but they are frozen as they stood.
The process will slowly work its way throughout the etire Region.
If not taken care of, or precautions made, Heart decay can start to effect the regions nearby. But generally the sickness will stay within the region it originated from.


Heart Decay can be treated with strong healing spells, but only if caught before the mist and fog begins to form and darken. Otherwise normal healing spells will not work.
A special ritual can be performed but materials are required. This requires prior knowledge ro research into each heart. Not every region heart was created the same, or from the same elements or magic.
Several of the hearts, namely the actual Heart Trees, we created by the ancient Dragons, whom were granted power by gods and have since essentially ascended themselves. These dragons live in regions that the Heart trees are located.
The originating magic the created the heart must be used to heal it. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, but as close as possible.
Scales or amulets blessed or imbued with the magic, weapons or tools forged with the magic. The item doesn't even have to have been created for the intent to heal the heart, simply something containing the magic that was freely given.

Affected Groups

All those living within, or connected to the region become affected.
Those living in the region will begin to get sick as the Heart Decay spreads throughout the region. Depending on the person or creature they may get sick faster, or survive longer. Those who use magic and can pull on magic from themselves or another source have a higher chance of lasting longer in the region.
Those connected to teh region, either physically or magically, example Dryads, will because to wilt or become increasingly ill. Resulting in death or petrification.


If a Heart becomes damaged in such a way that it can not heal itself, immediate healing will prevent Heart Decay.


Heart decay travels throught the magic in the region of a Heart. Magic is in the air, in the ground, and in the water. Heart Decay essentailly will corrupt the magic, and begin to weaken or change those in region.


There are regions where Heart Decay has taken an entire region, and this lead to Corrupted Heart. The land is practically toxic to everyone, very few could survive there. During a great battle long into the past, this occured and it is unknown if that region can ever be healed. As no one recalls what the region was actually supposed to be like.
Grove Heart became damaged around 1026C.E., or just before, and contracted Heart Decay. Long and slow process.
1036 C.E. several inhabitants of teh Grove heart Region took sanctuary within another region, allerting that something was wrong with the Heart tree of the Grove.
1037 C.E. Four young adventurers have set fourth to investigate, with aid from a high preistess.


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