
Fast. Daring. A genius with anything with an engine. If it's a vehicle, the Hammer can make it sing. Especially if it’s a car.
Garrance “Hammer” Du Preez has always had a knack for machines. As a child, machines of any kind fascinated Garrance, but cars were his true passion. Instead of sports or other hobbies, he spent the long Sow Terra summers at Fireball’s One Stop Pit Stop Garage.
At the garage, Garrance learned all he could from the mechanics and the shop’s owner, Henry “Fireball” Jenkins. It was the retired race car driver, Jenkins, that ignited Garrance’s love of racing.
It was three years later before the fast-talking Garrance qualified for CobCar, or the Cob Roller Stock Car Association. He won the CobCar Cup two years after his debut and the nickname “Hammer” from his aggressive, death-defying driving. Unfortunately, his rise to fame came to a screeching halt after a race against his rival, Ramon “Hotflash” Olivera, for the next CobCar Championship.
Hammer beat his rival for the cup, but Hotflash had a backup plan. Quietly, he released evidence of Hammer’s other line of work as a driver for hire, a mercenary “transporter”. A driver who would deliver anything for anyone who needed it, even if it was illegal.
CobCar banned Hammer from the association and stripped him of his victory. Angry, distraught, Hammer refused to be denied his passion for driving. So he turned to his other career; a full-time driver for crime.
It was lucrative for a time. Hammer’s natural talents made him the most sought-after transporter in the criminal world. He drove for all sorts, from the Calandra gang after their many Hogsburg bank heists, to the Razorback Borva syndicate.
But all good things came to an end when Hammer took a job to transport a package for Melania “Diamondback” Bark. True to his word, Hammer never opened the package and made the delivery on time to Senaid Pahor of the Borva. But the entire job was a sting, designed to arrest Pahor. Hammer was caught in the middle.
Hammer is serving 11 years in Maincastle Prison for robbery, assault, and fifty-seven counts of smuggling. Now, behind bars in Maincastle, word is that Hammer does a little quiet mechanic work for the prison’s small garage.
Hammer by JJ Kirby
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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