
The Mad Swine of Crime. An unstable agent of chaos. Hammy is a criminal psychopath that lacks any hint of a moral compass.
The criminal known as ‘Hammy’ first appeared seven years ago in the back alley streets of the Trough, the roughest district of Hogsburg. He first drew public attention with a series of carjackings in the area around the Neon Sprocket, a popular fighting arena for battle bots and other constructs. Since then, his appetite for themed crimes, and destruction, has only grown.
Hammy is an unpredictable criminal because of his homicidal psychopathic nature. This drives him to commit crimes that seem unrelated; something he does on a whim. Make no mistake, every crime spree is based on a theme. But only Hammy knows what that theme actually is.
It’s easy to dismiss Hammy as just a colorful criminal with his death-white skin, snorting giggle, and beady ruby-red eyes. But behind his appearance, is an unhinged genius. His lethal plans only serve his appetite for suffering and a deranged desire to teach society a lesson.
Hammy’s true identity is a well-debated mystery. There are hundreds of stories about who he is, where he’s from, and the cause behind his ghastly appearance. All of those origins are speculation, and Hammy started several himself. He wasn’t trying to hide his identity. It was because he doesn’t know his own past, and doesn’t care.
According to Dr. Leslie Periwinkle, who has studied Hammy during his time at the Harmony Heights Asylum for the Criminally Insane, there may be a common thread to those stories.
Some are far-fetched, such as being cloned in a magician’s milk jug full of bleach. Others, like being an angry wraith who died when the Bluebell Theater burned ten years ago, are more colorful. They all have something in common: the theater. Dr. Periwinkle believes Hammy may be an actor that suffered a horrific tragedy that broke his mind and twisted his body.
The doctor also admits that Hammy’s invented origins may simply be another of his deranged ‘lessons’.
Hammy has been arrested and escaped ninety-eight times over the past seven years from both Maincastle Prison and Harmony Heights Asylum. With every escape, he leaves a trail of crimes, bodies, and destruction behind him. On his last arrest, he was incarcerated at Harmony Heights Asylum, where he promptly escaped ninety-eight hours after arriving; it was an homage to it being his 98th escape.
At this time, Hammy’s exact whereabouts are unknown. Evidence suggests he may have returned to the Trough, or set his sights on either Hogsburg’s affluent Hoofgrow Gardens or the Tibble Hall Market district.
Hammy by JJ Kirby
Current Location
Date of Birth
April 25, 1993
Year of Birth
1993 AHL 29 Years old
ruby red eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale, death-white skin
130 lbs
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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