Trap plant

The terrifying trap plant. This fiendish foliage is a botanical marvel and a deadly predator in its own right. Vibrant red petals are soft despite their rough and scaly appearance. Those scales shine as they reflect any nearby light, a soft luminescence that gives them an eerie ethereal appearance.
Below the red petals are a series of smaller, cobalt-blue leaves. These support the broad, finger-length red petals and provide another splash of visual color that only adds to the allure.
In the center, nestled among the red and blue dazzling display, are a series of white-green tendrils. They are surrounded by a circle of smaller, snow white petals.
Those transparent tentacles glow with an uncanny light while they move in rhythmic, serpentine motions. They flicker and pulse, which makes for an enticing spectacle that is hard to ignore. Best of all, they give off a delicate fragrance, sweet as ripened fruit, to complete this delightful package.
But behind that mesmerizing display lies a sinister secret. One that has claimed many unsuspecting victims, from animals to adventurers.

Beautiful, Yet Beastly

Trap Plant by JJ Kirby
Diabolical death lies at the heart of this vibrant plant. Soft, palm-sized petals have a razor-sharp edge, fine enough to slice through light armor. Its fragrant scent is soft, alluring, and a potent pollen, able to lull the strongest Boon into submission.
Once their prey is subdued and drawn close, or even just touches the petals, the razor-edged blossom snaps into action. It slams shut like a vice, trapping the unwary animal, insect, or hapless adventurer’s body part. After this fiendish flower had latched on, it bares its savagely sharp, floral white fangs, then grinds away on its fresh catch.
If attacked before it can reel in its catch of the day, the trap plant is no wallflower. The moment it senses danger, the trap plant will snap shut. On the outside, the petals have a natural armor. Interlocking scales that are as hard as stone.
At the same time, the plant releases a thick cloud of pollen. A bountiful blast of its mind-altering fragrance that is three times normal strength. All designed to render an opponent stunned or unconscious. Then, if the attacker falls close enough, the trap plant will use its tendrils to latch on and reel in its fresh catch.

Unexpected Ecology

This perilous plant is fast growing, able to survive in most warm and damp climates. It spreads across an area, pushing out other plants in the process. Worse, they only need the smallest amount of light to survive, which has let them thrive in many damp ruins that only have a shred of light to spare.
Trap Plant by JJ Kirby
Carnivorous Plant
Temperate or damp forests or ruins
Dormant in winter and fall, active in spring and summer
Average Height
Tendrils can grow up to 2 feet tall
Average Length
When open, each petal about 6 inches long, allowing a full bloom to be 12 inches, or 1 foot across.
Geographic Distribution
Most often on
  • Earth
  • Sow Terra
  • Ba'bonos
  • Kazik'tar
  • Vulpi Hassani
  • But nature keeps these plants in check. In the winter months, trap plants die off until under half remain dormant below the ground. Also, while most creatures are vulnerable to the insidious plant, one creature is not. The titanic talonbear. Talonbears consider the trap plant a delightful dish and wonderful addition to their meals.
    A sinister symbol of the deadly beauty nature can create, the trap plant is a terrifying testament to the survival of the fittest. A lethal reminder to anyone that encounters them that even the most beautiful things can be utterly lethal.

    Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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