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Kuri Enlil the Third (Koor-ri En-lil the Third)

Kuri Enlil, III

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to his outdoorsy nature and generally physical occupation, Kuri is in excellent shape. He has low body fat mostly due to his half-elemental nature.

Identifying Characteristics

Kuri has a number of scars on his back. He keeps them covered most of the time.

Physical quirks

Kuri has a tendency to smell like a lightning strike, albeit faintly. He also tends to shock people when he touches them. Even when he doesn't shock, his touch tends to tingle pleasantly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kuri was born the eighth son (and twelfth child) of the Baron Innin Enlil and Baroness Ninmarki Enlil of Enlil, a small barony in northern Aswaya. He was quickly determined to have inherited his family's elemental nature and his birth was hailed as a near-miracle.
  His childhood was pretty idyllic, as befits the child of a wealthy noble family, but things came to a head when he reached puberty and manifested no sorcery. This was of grave disappointment to his family – and his father in particular – and privileges, praise, and gifts were withheld in an attempt to force the issue. When that didn’t work, more direct methods were used.
  Eventually, Kuri was accepted to the Asherah Wizardry Academy in Osheau. There he pursued the path of the transmuter and, after a course on nature magic, the path of the druid.
  After graduating from the Academy – with honors, no less – Kuri returned home expecting to be received with open arms. He was, after all, a true spellcaster. Kuri's father was unmoved; Kuri was, after all, a mere imitation of a true sorcerer. Appeals from Kuri’s mother, sisters, and a few of his brothers were of no avail, and, at the ripe old age of seventeen, Kuri left Enlil, wandered the continent for a while, and eventually left for Vulkis.
  He settled in Vulkis, gaining employment, education, and room and board with the Church of Losamed.

Gender Identity

Cisgender male


Cisgender and heterosexual


Kuri received the standard education for Aswayan noble sons, including the basics of swordplay, diplomacy, and history.
  He has also attended the Asherah Wizardry Academy for higher education, where he specialized in transmutation and nature magic.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kuri graduated from the Asherah Wizardry Academy in Osheau as first in his class.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kuri has little in the way of inborn magic and was forced to resort to wizardry and divinity.

Mental Trauma

Although initially being held up as the ideal Aswayan noble – due to his half-elemental nature – his lack of sorcery has led his father and many of his siblings to regard him as much of a failure, leading them to abuse him emotionally and physically.
  As a result, Kuri has a tendency to be emotionally distant from people, particularly people he likes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kuri is a thoughtful, respectful individual who prefers to consider before he acts.

Morality & Philosophy

Although he is well aware of edge cases and tricky conundrums, Kuri believes that morality is basically simple in most cases and that helping is better than hurting. Hunting animals is ok if it's for food but not if it's for sport. Agriculture is about preserving natural resources – as opposed to stripping an area of its plants and animals – and should be lauded, but a single person who can live off the land is better.
  It is unjust to judge a person by the circumstances of their birth, positively or negatively. It is one's actions that make one worthy of respect – or not.


Family Ties

"Kuri's dad is a dick."
  Kuri maintains contact with his mother, sisters, and a few brothers by sending bundles of letters twice per year. His mother likewise responds twice per year; any siblings who wish to respond may add their letters to her bundle.
  These letters are largely autobiographical and resemble diary entries. Specific data are curated to be of interest to the recipient.

Wealth & Financial state

Although Kuri has access to a share of Enlil's wealth - in theory, at least - he is neither in a position to access it nor would it likely be released were he to go home.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Lord" or "The Honorable"
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Heralded by storm
Castle Enlil, Enlil Barony, Aswaya
Current Residence
Parsonage, Shrine of Keest, Temple of Losamed, Vulkis
Electric blue, piercing
White (or nearly so, depending on whom you ask), kept shortish and wild (blows in the wind even when there isn't any)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin, remarkably so considering the amount of time he spends outside
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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