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Festival of The Pleiades

It is a festival in the town of Thuraya. It was celebrated for one month April 20-May 20.


Thuraya was a girl in a small unnamed town. She created the Edrian calendar by looking at the sky. Before the creation of the calendar, it was hard to pinpoint the start of each season and harvest in Edra. She looked at the sky every night and determined the location of the town. Her theories were dismissed by the council of Edra. Famine came and the harvest was dead. The land was too cold for plantation and there were lacking surplus. Thuraya looked at the sky to see the same constellation every year. The coldest winter was when this sign was in the sky. She went to the council again, but they accused her of necromancy. She was locked away. Her last words were "I am right." One year later, her theories were proven right by Prince Arokath her drafted calendar was found. The king pardoned Thuraya and offered her a place in his court. Prince Arokath was entranced by her intelligence and even offered his hand in marriage. She refused at first, but he did not give up. Eventually, the two got married and become rulers of Edra. The council of Edra was demolished effectively during her reign. The town that she came from was named after her. The calendar was used and seasons were marked. The festival of The Pleiades was celebrated as New years in Edra.


When the constellation was present in the sky, the people should yell "Thuraya was right."

Components and tools

Hot beverages were served on the beach.


The towns people and scholars in Thuraya.
Important Locations


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