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Lainie (a.k.a. Phoenix)

Laine was raised in the small town of Bexley in an orphanage.   Other forms: Prapa, Aisling, Nadia, and Zita

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • An orphan raised in the small town of Bexley
  • The majority of her childhood was spent in local markets, stealing food to survive
  • She tried to escape from the town, but the head of the orphanage always dragged her back
  • There she found out about her fire magic which eventually led her to burn down the orphanage
  • As a felony, she ran across the country to Thuraya where no one would find her. 
  • In Thuraya, her fire powers became uncontrollable that she burned down buildings
  • As a threat, she was locked away in Edra's prison for arson
  • During the same year, Tenebris seized control of Edra, thus freeing her 
  • She oathed herself into his service until the end of his days. 
  • Tenebris taught her how to shapeshift into a bird which was the current form that she was stuck in

Gender Identity

  • female


  • apprenticeship with Tenebris


  • She now seeks employment under Tenebris as his scout since she was stuck as a bird

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Burning down buildings

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Cannot shapeshift back into her form
Current Location
Date of Birth
9 July
Aligned Organization


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