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Lady Romey

Lady Romey Isabelle Jacqueline Ange D'la Victoire (a.k.a. "The Maid of Avalore")

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thought to have been abandoned by travelling merchants in the village of La Pommel in what used to be the Kingdom of Avalore, Romey had an inauspicious start to her life. Raised by basket weavers, Romey learned that hard work and piety mattered more than bloodlines and class. Content to live out her days in the village, Romey was destined to be overlooked by history. Fate had other plans... At age 13, Romey claimed to have a vision in which she met several gods, Avandra, Morpheus, Selûne, and others. In this vision, she was told that her mother was Avandra and that her divine blood tied her to the Weave of Fate. She was destined to lead her country to victory over a coming cosmic threat.
Needless to say, basket weaving could no longer hold young Romey's interest. Instead, she bribed local knights to teach her riding, sword-fighting, and tactics. Despite becoming the object of ridicule and scorn, Romey persisted and by the age of 17 she was a formidable swordswoman. The village of La Pommel suddenly seemed a very small place indeed. Plagued by persistent visions, Romey ran from her home to seek out the King of Avalore. It is said that the royal household refused her twenty-seven-times before the peasant girl attempted an alternative approach: local legend said that the sword in the hand of the statue of Old King Llywelyn was real, and that only the true ruler of the land can free it from his grasp. A crowd watched as the sword, Caledfwlch (Cal-ED-fwuh-lch), was - with little effort - pulled free by a little peasant girl. Thus, the King and Queen had no reason to refuse Romey an audience.


Romey was poorly educated - as was common for peasant folk in Avalore. She was illiterate.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Romey led several battles - taking eleven victories while personally leading her troops. Her inspired tactics and her near-prophetic insight caused her to highhandedly shift the tide against the invading forces of demons and dragons. She is also credited for uniting the desperate (and often warring) kingdoms of Chardovia against the common threat (a feat which has never been repeated). It is also said that during her final battle (the Battle of the Crags) she rode down the Horseman of Death himself, securing victory for mortal kind and sacrificing herself in the process.


Contacts & Relations

Besides the ear of the King and Queen of Avalore, Romey had a retinue of loyal followers. She believed that these individuals were also chosen as she was to end the Invasion and ensure the victory of mortal-kind. They were as follows:
  • Toranar, Goliath Champion of Pelor
  • Rober De Courte, Half-Elf Champion of Morpheus
  • Glysinia Riondell, Wood Elf Champion of Selûne
  • The White Duke, Human Champion of Calliope
  • Ashlin Yoland, Dwarf Champion of Bahamut

Religious Views

Romey was a devotee of Avandra, believing that the Lady of Fortune spoke to her in visions.

Hobbies & Pets

Romey rode Tirna (Tear-nah) a skeletal beast that was part stag and part unicorn. It is said that Romey saved it from drowning in the River Styx when she and her companions journeyed into the afterlife to seek council with the Raven Queen.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chevalier (Knight) of the Order of Sainte La Chance
23 BI 4 AI 27 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Died at the Battle of the Crags
The Village of La Pommel (now Airdale)
Dark Brown
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: Joan of Arc Battle by Bayard Wu
Character Portrait image: Joan of Arc by Bastien Lecouffe Deharme


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