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The One and the Prime

Divine Domains

Law, Justice

Holy Books & Codes

The Code of Prime

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

Order above all.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To root out chaos from the multiverse and bring order to all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Primus is an amalgamation of several enchanted machines (most of which are now Modrons). It is said that an ancient deity of invention - perhaps the father of Gond - banished his forsaken inventions to a pocket dimension. These clockwork creations melded and changed. Soon it became a being of pure logic and order - Primus. It built machines of its own and soon it grew into the plane of law, Mechanus. The God and the Plane are on in the same.

Divine Classification
God, Machine
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great Clock. Core of Mechanus, the Clockwork Nirvana. The God of Law and Supreme Order. Master of Modrons. Keeper of Time.
Circumstances of Birth
Designed by the First Gods
Current Residence

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Cover image: Clock of Earth by Daniel Liang
Character Portrait image: Mechanus


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