
"The unclean are contaminated by the base, death-touched and possibly corrupting influences of blood, ghosts, foul smells and filth.  They are at risk for Corruption ( see Crystal and Corruption or Blood Magic.   Executioners, Arcane Crystal miners and traders, butchers and exploratory or even soldiers might be considered amongst the Unclean or undesirable - though soldiers have a noble purpose in defending the empire and humans in general.  All do serve purposes but superior persons do not associate with these low value wretches. They are kept away from respectable districts and dwell with low traders or laborers, or Fae devils."
Kan Ajit, Natural Philosopher of the Imperial College, Kuan.


Career Progression

Typically this is a family career.  Other Unclean persons might take up the job but few seek it out.  It can be profitable and does assure a well fed family - more than other unclean work.


Social Status

One of the Unclean : undertakers, leather workers, trash haulers, rat killers included. They are easily told by their hair - either wildly unkempt or close cropped (slaves are shaved), the black belt or sash at the waist and dress of trousers and tunic.  The next class above is foreigners, laborers and traders wear long hair in a ponytail or held back by a headband.  The sash  is ochre, green, orange, or a leather belt.

The job is important in feeding the people, though many households, especially in the countryside may fill the job themselves with smaller animals. The butcher is an expert on slaughtering, partioning of animals, processing and preserving meat. However this exposes them to large amounts of blood and marks them a risk to become practitioners of Blood Magic. Many will buy and sell slaves for slaughter work to reduce risks of their own exposure. Still they are exposed to and frequently work in smelly, dirty and fly infested spaces with blood, gore and viscera. It is viewed within the empire as a dirty job for a dirty person.

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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