
The mountain dwelling Eela is a wild beast whose hide and fur is much valued. The animals are found in most mountain regions all across the Kuan region- though the mountains themselves be separated by hundreds of if not thousands of miles. Clearly the Gods were most pleased with them and saw them widely distributed. The Eela is an agile climber and jumper amongst the mountain craigs, cliffs and rocky outcrops of it's home high in the mountains. They feed on lichens, grasses and branches of tree and brush. The coat is thick with silken fibers that are combed out of sheared, washed and spun. It is difficult to tame though some mountain peoples have succeeded and use them as pack, food and fiber animals. They are superior to mules or donkey in the remote mountains where they can be found. The ivory of the horn is valued for decorative and practical use, and is said to possess healing properties when ground and consumed. Imperial sages have failed to find this is anything aside from peasant folklore and only charlatan frauds sell it or claim to use it in actual healing.

  They are found in colors from light grey, buff or light sandy to dark brown with a chest of golden yellow. The eyes may be grey, violet, lavender or purple. The nostrils are to the sides and open like a horse but may close to narrow slits. The creatures will have a heavy winter coat and become impervious to cold, winds and rains. The summer coat is thinner and more silken. The flesh is toothsome with a flavor like meat spiced by sweet flowers. Amongst the mountain people who have tamed the beasts, the milk may be taken and used for making cheese, butter and yogurt.
The Eela does not thrive away from their mountains - even if placed in the low lands of colder climes such as found in the Olia provinces. They pine and wither in warmer places and have an abhorrence of open water or depth beyond their hocks.

Basic Information


The Eela is a wide lipped grazing quadruped herbivore with four toes on each foot tipped in a thick but flexible horn nail.  The tail is bushy as is the chest fur.  They are 5 to 6 ft in length and may stand 3 to 4 ft at the shoulder.  Horns are swept back, mostly straight from the forehead.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eela have excellent hearing and eyesight. Sense of smell is limited and doesn't seem much better than human.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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Aug 8, 2023 22:34

These creatures are so unique yet so familiar they feel like they might actually exist. Well done.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.