Glory Path

Whi-vol: (Twilight path: Wyld - The Wheel): The Natural world of senses, & pleasures. Order and stability. Link and merge higher soul into Po soul to connect with the spirit world via the natural world and the body's instincts. Glory path followers invoke spirits on rolling Spirit - Clarity: botch gets a manitou, bane or other malice spirit. Clarity limits spirit contact: Dance trace, run, drink, party to reduce Clarity. Achieve Glory for Rank. Glory = how big a spirit will manifest.


In Taurien States culture, Centaur and Minotaur personal action is dominated by the Rheeu- (ʁiʊ ), or Paths. These are philosophy and direction. These trace back to the ancient days after the Tumult or before. The myths say that Omil Yehi created the paths. The paths are:

Jhioop: ( Day Path: Wyrd - The ascendant) Change and progress. Stoic and intellectual. Perform acts of House to gain Ranks of Honor ( every 10 pt = 1 rank). They seek to refine the Po into the Higher soul and repress the instinctual and body demands to follow the command of the higher rational mind and order. They respect rank and seniority. The honors use ley-line magics to create Node Stones which allow them to store or even trade aspects and qualities. This path is preferred by Centaur culture.

Whi-vol: (Twilight path: Wyld - The Wheel): The Natural world of senses, & pleasures. Order and stability. Nature and worldliness. Followers seek to link and merge higher soul into Po soul. Glory and excitement and pleasure with display of rule their concerns. They also use dance trace, run, drink, and party to invoke spirits to help them. Gifts, crafting, Display of generosity, immortalized in art, bragging, combat - duel or vs stronger opponent, romance, stealing credit ( lost if caught), lost by defeat, loss w killing/ defeating the weak, dealing with Manitou or Banes, refusing house offers/ tests. This path is largely followed by Minotaurs.

Kwee*: (Night Path: Wyrm - Breakers) - Instability, Chaos and destruction. Give themselves over to the power of evil spirits - banes and manitou. Use acquires Corruption - The manitou and banes require acts of evil. They are also those who are negative ranked in Glory or Honor. Kwee* kill something/ someone to steal powers/ attributes into Shards - long spikes containing the stolen things. The Shards must be placed correctly in into the body at aura points. Shards decay over time. Kwee* path are the reversed/ negative House Pillar.


The ideals of the Glory path:
Acknowledged by higher rank Decreased Glory: Back down from a one on one fight
Blood feud declared against enemy/ rival Betray Guests under Hospitality
Build a shrine/ destroy rival shrine Caught in a lie
Complete a quest successfully Defeating a weak opponent
Display of Generosity Defeat in combat or mission/ quest
Duels Disfavor with higher Ranked
Delivery/ Enforce Hospitality to strangers/ others Idleness ( for each week without a Glory)
Encouraging / supporting glory of another Killing an opponent unable to defend themselves
Epic performance/ get away with an exploit Refuse hospitality to strangers
Gain Justice for Family, clan or Tribe Romance Rumored
Gifts to Higher Ranks Shrines not maintained
Hospitality above and beyond Speak ill of Tribe,clan or or family outside of same
Portrayal in song, art, story Trafficking in and dealing with evil spirits rather than defeating them.
Public Bragging
Represent Family or Clan, tribe or village
Rival or Enemy declared
Romance - declared
Stealing Credit
Successful taking of an enemy/ opponent's prize or treasure without being caught
Victory in Combat


Accumulation of Glory points leads to ranked abilities. Negative scores lead one into Kwee* path as does Corruption exposure and indulgence. Glory Powers: Bought 1 / lvl at 1 Glory/ Rank of power, and not exceeding current Glory Rank of buyer. It costs 10 Glory to advance a rank.

Rank 0:
  • Ley Stone: Create a shrine and invoke power. For every 2 Essence spent at a shrine, store 1 point Essence.
  • Watchful Po: awakens the Po spirit to act as a watch dog while the user sleeps or is active doing something. The user is alerted if one sentence conditions are met.

Rank 1:
  • Spirit sight: Attunement to the Po allows the user to “see’ even in total darkness, if blind or blindfolded. The spirit sight allows ghosts and active spirits to be seen. Cost 1 essence for 1 scene.
  • Po Boost: The wakened Po ups Spirit or Magic die one type for magical resistance rolls and willpower checks for 1 scene per day for each time this power is taken.
  • Elemental Talen: Dedicated with a shrine to the elemental spirits. The talen when activated by breaking bestows (-1) damage from heat/fire, Cold/Ice, Earth, Water or gas/wind for each time this power is taken. 1 round/ lvl. Upto 1 Talen per Rank may be made and held. Alternative is invoking the power of the talen with 2 essence for heat/ cold/ air/ swimming/ water/ or repair a stone or metal item.
  • Wariness: The user can’t be surprised from behind and all side count for “front’ in combat. Rank +1 hour / lvl.

Rank 2:
  • Infectious spirit: invoke an emotion spirit to inspire a resonance in 1 area/ Rank for 1 scene/ day . Spirit +rank- Clarity to enact. Targets save vs Spirit- glory rank, or Magic -1/ time power is invoked.
  • Invoke item spirit- After a 1 round chant, enter a trance, spend 4 essence, name a spirit of an item present: State what is desired of it (service, boost, information), then roll Spirit-Clarity+ less Rank. Botch brings a Bane or manitou. Invoking allows Spirits passage across the Gauntlet. Spirit power is limited to 1+ Rank. Lasts one scene. Invoking may allow items to act as magically enchanted, may expand or contract material, knowledge of surroundings, repair.
  • Spirit Boost: The Po boosts an ability score by 1 or adds 1 to a pool or Contest roll for each time this power is taken and lasts 1 scene.
  • Potent Po: Add resting Rank pips to healing and recovery rolls
Rank 3
Spirit Invocation: 1 round chant and 6 essence allows a local area spirit to be invoked and asked for service or information. Spirit power limited to Rank of the user of the power.    Talen: create a pouch with affinity to a specific spirit type. When cast/ burnt it activates a specific spirit favor associated with that spirit for hunting, shelter, weather, knowledge, etc.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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