Hakatskaziu Ethnicity in Charron | World Anvil


This is the journal of Javiden of Incaras, Knight of the Griffin Rider order of Incaras and registered Hunter of the Hunter's guild. These are my notes of the mystery region which the inhabitants call Hakat.

The insect-like beings showed curiosity and caution with me and fascination with my mount. The red-brown bodies, some with black streaking, stood about three to four feet high. The hands are nimble with six fingers. They have 4 arms and 4 legs, antennae and insect mouth parts. Vocalizations come from the main body where they have breathing pores and air sacs.

The family consists of a colony with a brooder of minimal intelligence and a cluster of adults and young. it requires a level of prosperity to acquire a family group, or to be asked to join a colony. Males and females breed to produce eggs that require activation and incubation by a brooder. Each female may produce dozens of eggs.


Shared customary codes and values

The Hakat region is harsh. Wind and heat are constant, with nights becoming quite cold. Brooder wax, brooder venom, larval silk and old molting shells are collected and used for a variety of purposes. Everything is reused or refurbished or worked into something new before it is finally disposed of or considered useless.

Average technological level

Most metal work is bronze with small quantities of iron or steel gained from raiding Ghenid from over the Red Mountains or found as chunks in the desert. Bone and wooden tools or utensils are common.  Most trade is via barter, though a glass ball currency is in use.  They build mud and brick coldhouses for storage and water collection, but can't tolerate being in them for long. They also have deep stepwells of stone that collect monsoon and flood waters, retaining some deep water access in dry seasons.

Common Dress code

The typical dress is simple woven leaf hats or capes with arm holes. Some use larval silk robes. Bronze armor may be worn by guards or hunters. Adult individuals will produce a saliva, glue and fiber paper from any fibrous material. This paper may be used for clothing.

Art & Architecture

They prefer to build with wood, mud and brick. They will use stone and can carve it well. Decoration is in bright colors and geometric patterns. They enjoy mosaic and tactile arts. Scent and taste are in the antennae, so food smells count over flavors.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

On greeting the Hakaskaziu will touch heads and antennae.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Eggs are incubated by a brooder in wax cells. The infant larva hatch and are feed a mush or "jelly" regurgitated by the brooder and undergo five molts as they grow over the first several months. At about 50 lb they spin a cocoon of silk, forming a linear base and then spinning circles upward to the head. Brooder larvae are larger by about 20% than regular larvae. Excess Brooder larvae may be unwrapped and disposed of. They spend a season in the cocoon and hatch from the head end as juveniles, resembling small adults. At this point they begin a formal education and life in the family.
Basic knowledge is implanted into the larvae by brooders, perhaps by the "jelly" mush.

Coming of Age Rites

The tradition of youths molted to pre-adult stage is that they must perform the egg hunt.  Either climbing the mountains to Roc or Thunderbird nests, or venturing into the sands to find a Sand Dragon nest.  These eggs require at least 4 Hakaskaziu youth to carry one in a net. Successful delivery of an egg is celebrated with a feast.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead are deposited in mortiary catacombs under settlements or carved into the mountains. Each family colony maintains their own. Some have become abandoned as the lines have failed and vanished. Funeral rites consist of wrapping the dead in a blanket with gifts and memorials, flowers and decorations. The wrapped blanket containing the dead, is transported to the catacomb and placed in stacks or shelves.


Beauty Ideals

Bodies are cleaned and rubbed with oils to maintain gleam and lustre.
Hakaskaziu by mutterwolf

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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