Imperial Magus Profession in Charron | World Anvil

Imperial Magus

In a world well endowed and riddled with magical creatures, entities and hazards - anyone who is anyone must have magical skill or talent on hand as security, protection and advisor. It can't just be any magical practitioner - in the olden days it was not uncommon for a mage to control, influence or overthrow an employing noble, mayor or guilder. The Empire's need for reliable and loyal Mages started with the Imperial School and extended to the training and binding of Magi.

Often disparaged by independents as "wage mages", the Imperial Mages called Magi (singular = Magus), are bound and sworn to loyal service under Imperial seal.  The geas imposed assures loyalty and confidentiality, both to the Empire and to the noble, mayor, merchant, individual, guild or organization that hires them. The position of Magus is demanding, but rewarding with status and funds to engage in magical creation and research. They frequently will have their own staff and assistants, who may be new graduate Magi.



The Magus is trained and approved by the Imperial school of Magic and as such is entitled to wear the pointed hat inscribed with celestial objects, runes and arcane formulae. Only Imperially trained mages may wear the hat.  Further, the Magus is bound by Geas and implanted with an Imperial Guard stone on the forehead. This and the silver ring they wear on the conical wizard hat are their badges of status. The stone is enchanted by Magisters of the Imperial School to keep and enforce the loyalty of the Magus and imposes pain on any act or neglect which may knowingly harm the empire, emperor or the employer.

Career Progression

Promising magical talents may be recruited for training by the Imperial school.  Rogue Mages do exist - persons who failed the training at the Imperial school or avoided recruitment.  There are also the lesser primitive magical talents such as shamans, and crude psychics. Then there are the potentially dangerous necromancer, sorcerers, or enemy Black magic or Blood Magic practitioner or dangerously untrained occultists. Imperial mages hunt and destroy the evil Black Magic and Blood Magic users , cultists and the necromancers and sorcerers that stray into unclean and evil practices and magics.
The Imperial School trains mages in the high arts of Hermetic and Dragonline magics primarily.  Shamen and primitive talents will be given training and supervision and may be known by the Imperial School blue collar and medallion they are awarded on completion of their studies. Only trained and proper mages are given and allowed to wear the pointed conical hat of the wizard.
In the school they will work on magical theory and application, training in spells and the creation of magical devices and defenses for the Empire. On graduation they may move on as freelance Mages or undergo the Stone to become Magi in positions under governors or ministers aiding the Empire with Imperial Pillar Markers "NAILS" , gateways and other works.  Some will serve the Legions in combat and defense or with The Imperial Order of the Ruby Rod: The Witchhunters. Others are available for hire as junior Magi to noble houses, towns, important persons and for guilds.  It is typically still many years from junior to Journeyman and then to Master.



The Magus protects the employer and their house from malign magics, supernatural assaults and other magical threats. They provide devices to aid other members of the household and spells to keep house secrets and defenses.

Social Status

Magi are in the service of the Empire and the employ of powerful and important individuals. They share high status as important and powerful associates of their employers. Even a low born person may, by virtue of becoming a Magus, become scholars or officials with the white sash, or blue sashed Gentry that commoners must bow to.



The Magus needs a magical workshop and library with enchanted circles and cauldrons to perform some of their duties. They need the materials and supplies to make charms, foci and talismans and the workshop to produce the magical effects.

Dangers & Hazards

Magical assassins, spell attacks, cultists and summoned creatures from wayward sorcerers are just a few of the hazards a magus faces.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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