The Brotherhood of Fellowship

Welcome friends!  I am so happy that you have taken an interest in our organization!  I am Esurk, Chief Secretary for the Brotherhood.  We help the downtrodden, poor and unfortunate of the city.  We send out soup carts to the sick and elderly. We run kitchens to feed the poor.  We have an orphanage to house, educate and give orphans a chance and opportunity to guilds and trades, and even a few scholarships to pay for gifted students to attend the university.  We even have a sanitorium to help those with afflictions of mind and spirit, the mad and simple minded.
How do we do this?  Many noble lords and ladies, merchants and other wealthy persons donate.  The members pay dues and will hold galas to raise funds as well. The Executive council of Seven chooses the First Fellow who serves for 5 years before retiring.  Who are the members? We don't disclose but individual houses or persons may make their membership known.  Most Tribunes favor us with small help and gifts, though few are full members.
It is true that since we serve the poor and sick we also assist with cremations and care of the dead.  Contrary to rumors we don't sell them to the Necromancer to be made into Undead servants.  With so many poor it isn't strange.


The Brotherhood owns several warehouses, the orphanage and sanitarium. They own a few inns that serve to house the homeless and run public kitchens.

Demography and Population

The Brotherhood is open to those of all faiths. Different levels have secret handshakes and words as well as robes for ceremonies and oaths. Certainly joining connects one to many other influential and powerful individuals and many aspire to higher levels of membership- which demand higher dues.
Volunteers are the lowest level of membership.
Intiates help organize and run services and support the operations.
Votives light the way and serve as staff for most Brotherhood programs.
Fellows are the rank and file proven members.
The Elect are the highest ranked general members, and individuals of this rank are chosen by the Executive Council to replace one of their own or to be promoted to First Fellow.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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