The Devourer Myth in Charron | World Anvil

The Devourer

The chanting closed with the magical energies cast into the void. There arose a howling wind that extinguished the candles and the sky became clouded and filled with purple lightnings flashing. An icy cold darkness poured down and obscured everything for tens of meters around. And from the darkness came a thundering voice "I hunger!". And following the voice came the monstrous thing - squat, hunched 10 meters tall and maybe 15 long. Four stout legs ending in three red-orange toes with massive claws. A drooling sucker mouth containing rings of sharp teeth, and above that six eyes on turquoise colored stalks. Two eyeless serpent heads with large teeth and long necks arose from the shoulders and above them insect like limbs ending in a sickly yellow-green set of spikes. Blue-grey plates of horn run down the back to a thick tail that split into three tentacle ends. The body is colorful with orange red with bands of green stripes and ochre yellow below. We bowed to the great beast and offered up the feast!
Fu Pon, Journal of a Wizards apprentice. Approximately 3902 T (The Shadow Age)
The Devourer by Mutterwolf


Called T'K'A'DA'N, the devourer is an extra planar terror said to be called from the darkness of the Rift between worlds where it is said to sleep for a thousand years between wakings and rampages. Summoning awakens the creature and brings it to te mortal world. The ritual requires a huge pool of essence ( 100 points in Arcane Crystal or supplied by summoners), sacrifices and an offering of 20+ cattle, horses, barrels of wine and ale and other Food (22). Once summoned and offerings made service may be demanded.
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T'K'A'DA'N is a con. When summoned it will claim that centuries of sleep have left it weak and hungering. Once fed it becomes drowsy and says it must sleep and returns to the Rift, vanishing into the darkness.

T'K'A'DA'N appears in a storm of darkness and purple lightnings that occupies approximately 20 meters diameter. Icy cold wind screams around the space occupied by the storm pushing with a weak force of 1d4 resisted by Strength or pushed over. The purple lightnings strike any who displease the demon as 3d12 bolts. It's voice is a grating rumble, deep like swallowed thunder.  It smells of ozone.
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It is STR1d12, Agil: 1d12, Smarts 1d10, Spirit 1d12, Vigor 1d6 when summoned and 1d12 after feeding. It may attack with 3 bites ( mouth and 2 snake head arms) for Str+2d6 and stabbing with the two arm spikes for 2d8 (AP 2). It may also whip the tail as 1d10 attack. Parry 10 Toughness 18 Pace 8. Size +4. Athletics d10, fight d12 Notice d10, stealth d10 Immune to cold, fear, poison and nonmagical weapons. Unstoppable (only ever takes 1 wound per attack)

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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Feb 16, 2023 22:10

A truly terrifying creature.   I don't think you need to spend so much time describing the creature in text if you have ad drawing of it. I would like more of the senses we don't get through an image, how does it smell, how does its voice feel in the chest or make your hair stand on end, etc.?   I also like the juxtaposition of a terrifying and hungry creature just being really lazy. It gets others to feed it then would rather fall asleep than anything.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Feb 17, 2023 04:29

The seed idea of the creature's behavior was Invader Zim episode of "Mortos der Soulstealer". I'll see about adding some of the other aspects to these creatures. Thanks for the observations and comments!