The Isle of the Oracle

Found at the southern side of the Sea of Inx, backed by the volcanic Boiling Sea, with Lyr to the East and the Trackless Marshes to the West. The isle is frequently shrouded in warm to hot mists and fogs. The location is out of the way, of little military import and produces nothing of significant value. It is home to the mysterious Oracle. Most shipping is pilgrims from across the known world seeking readings.  The isle is considered a peaceful refuge.


The Isle of the Oracle has a shifting population of pilgrims and and a small population of residents who operate inns, markets and other services and industry supporting the travelers and the residents.  It is most interesting that the reptilian [Octnon are few despite the proximity to their great city of Glarag being nearby.  This is likely because they view the future as an unreal dream or desire/ wish rather than a fixed destination.


The Merchant council provides the limited government of the isle.  The guilds and merchants gather twice yearly to form a legislature to deal with any major issues and annually elect the 11 councilors.  The council  maintain a small troop of guards to maintain peace and arrest troublemakers. The primary punishment is exile, though whipping and fines are also used.  There are Guild inspectors to maintain Guild quality rules.

Points of interest

The caves of the Oracle are the principle point of interest. Pilgrims travel from all over to get a prophetic reading of their futures. The oracle's exact nature is unknown- it dwells in the caves and responds to pilgrims making offerings in large stone bowls before a wall composed of agate. it is said that in centuries past the bowls were ledges but have worn down with all the offerings deposited. The Oracle delivers it's readings to the pilgrim telepathically. Scribes run a very busy concern of selling vellum and recording the messages as told by pilgrims. The offerings can be anything, money, foods, items, flowers, blood but no living animals or persons are accepted. Popular opinion is that the greater the value or more heartfelt the better the fortune. The offeringings themselves vanish once the reading is delivered. The oracle will only deliver one reading per person per single moon cycle.
During the heroic age over.  a thousand years ago a great king took control of the isle and tried to control the Oracle.  Instead the Oracle vanished.  The agate wall was broken down and the caves searched.  The Oracle returned when the King and his army left.   There are several broken agate walls within the caves and some  believe that there had been more attempts to control and possess the Oracle.
The Watcher's Inn, is operated by the Church of the Watcher of the Ways - God of travels, paths and changes. It is one of the oldest buildings on the isle.

Many adventurers come seeking fortunes read and the Hunter's GUild has an office and inn.

There are a scattering of small shrines to the various churches and religions.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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