The Western Lands

Beyond the Western Warp Mountains at the western edge of the Golam Provinces is wildland extending to the western sea. This region is home to Elder Gods, Beastmen, Skinchangers, Dragons and other creatures fierce and terrible. The northern stretches are plagued by Undead, Necromancers and Blood Mages practicing acursed Blood Magic. The ancient Yokotua Kulni Priests dwell somewhere in the mountains - according to legend, dwelling in the skull and bones of a mountain sized creature of the Demon Age. The lands are swept by Warp Storms that transform plants, animals and the very ground into grotesque aberrations. It is known to be just as bad in the south where Golam lands give way to Peransaar, the kingdoms of the LizardKings or [Octnon. Many of the great peaks of the Western Warp Mountains are active volcanoes spewing lava and at time blasting apart and killing all within miles.
"The West beyond Golam" Orem Onby Golam cartographer. First Green Jade Empress Vayu. Imp: 10059

"We had braved the low pass west of Gagaliuno to the town of Titaram and raced the churning skies that took on red and purple shades.  The Warp Storm struck as we reached the town. Lightnings flashed and where it struck, patches of the ground floated up.  These were small, perhaps  three to four meters across and two meters deep. We were lucky and most only rose about 3-4 meters.  We could scramble away, and jump as the earth split and plants and soil wafted away into the air, carried east in the strong winds.  We were so grateful to reach the wall and stone of an inn, as insecure as the protection actually was- a part of the town wall tried to rise and float away but was held by crossbeams and ropes.  It could have just as well been part of the inn.  And this was a mild Warp Storm."
• Zhysoa of Airu, "Diary of Pilgrimage: The Walkabout and the Demon Crypt"


The Western Warp Mountains are soaring peaks climbing to over 8000 ft, covered in ice and snow- where the volcanic activity hasn't melted and blasted it away or Warp Storms transformed the ice and snow. The western slopes descend into thick temperate rainforest, swampy taiga and marshlands. From the mountains to the Western Sea is all temperate rainforest of spruce, cedar and fir mixed with oak, maple and alder. Stonebark trees may also be found in these forests. There are also stretches where all has been transformed into glass, sand, flesh or stone or other substances by Warp Storms. These Warp Storms are most frequent and powerful on the shores of the West, hitting perhaps as frequently as every week, though sometimes less frequent. The appearance has no seasonal pattern as natural weather. The region is unpredictable and violent- both in weather and in native creatures. Even the normal weather is harsh- raging winds and torrential rains. Most of the year a warm day is 5 degree C ( about 40 F) with summers climbing to a typical 15-16 C (70F) all the way to 26C (80F) while winter lows drop to -6C ( about 20 F), for only a few weeks.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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