Estaria Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Estaria (es-TARR-eeh-uh)

A land dominated by rolling green hills that surround a dense forest, Estaria is believed to be the cradle of life on the plane of Charyba. The northern-most portion of the continent is covered in regular snowfall. Estaria was also home to a small mountain range and desert region, thought these have been consumed by an ethereal mist in the past 50 years.  


Beginning of the World

Estaria is said to be where life first came into existence. The temple of Khaldir has architecture containing the blueprints for art styles seen across Charyba When the gods walked among mortal lands, Sindara chose Estaria as the seat of her power. The Goddess of Nature saw how it contained so many ecosystems and forms of life and deemed it the most beautiful land she and the other had created.  

War of the Element Lords

When the gods went to war with each other in the distant past, Estaria was the site of more battles than any other continent. Signs of the conflict still scar the land. There are apocryphal stories that the Tsavinian Mountains in the north were formed by Gorthag in an attempt to build a mountain fortress and that the island of Giresh was cut off from the mainland by Cerisa.   The most famous of these scars is Scrios's Folly. This desert was the site of the final battle of the war. Legend states, when Sindara realized that their war was tearing apart the fabric of the world, she summoned all of the other gods to this location in a ceasefire. Scrios attacked the ceasefire, unleashing a firestorm so great he lost control of himself. The other gods worked together to hold back the flames, though not before a significant portion of Estaria was forever left desolate.  

Modern Era

Over time, the city of Miran Vada became the capital city of Estaria. From it, the ruling Vada family would ensure peace and prosperity. The same ruling line continued until the rule of King Firanus Vada. A weak and decadent king, Firanus Vada cared less for the protection of his people than the grandness of his parties. He was assassinated by the captain of his family guard. The captain, who became known as King Warga, rules Estaria to this day. At the age of 74, he now leaves much of his responsibilities to attendants.   21 years after the death of Firanus Vada, a young man claiming to be his son and calling himself Prince Fir made landfall in the southern port city of Imbris. The merchants and nobles of Imbris supported Fir as he campaigned eastward to Miran Vada. The campaign ended at the Battle of Khuzdul where Prince Fir's army was soundly defeated by Warga's forces. Fir only escaped when the Miran Vadan army was pulled away to deal with a greater threat. Fir has resided in Imbris for the last thirty years, having earned the title of Failed Prince Fir.   The threat that had pulled Miran Vada's army away from the Battle of Khuzdul was Archchancellor Valthus of the School of Magical Sciences. Valthus had tapped into Wild Magic to ascend his magic powers to the level of god-hood. The power proved too great for him to handle. Valthus was destroyed, alongside the Tsavinian Mountains, Scrios's Folly, and the city of Aladir. The destroyed area is now covered in an impenetrable mist. None who enter the mist are ever seen again.  

Cities and Settlements

  • Miran Vada - The ruling city on Estaria
  • Alidir - A city in the Tsavinian Mountains that worshiped Scrios. Destroyed.
  • Imbris - Port town on the south coast of Estaria. 
  • Nelior - Walled city on the northern coast of Estaria. Seat of religious power throughout the world.
  • Khuzdul - An underground city said to have been built by the mythic Cave Digger
  • School of Magical Sciences - The premier wizardry school in the world. Destroyed
  • Loramda - A settlement of Sindaran worshipers that had left Arcadian Forest.
  • Karkon - A city on the northern point of Giresh
  • Irda - A small village that was pillaged and destroyed.
  • Chudeau - A small town built atop a waterfall
  • Last Village - The most northernly village in Estaria before reaching the snowy wilds of the northern coast
  • Arbre - A forest settlement within the Arcadian Forest. Ruled by Forest Queen Sylvas
  • Seaside Village 
  • Mar Village 

Geographical Locations

  • Arcadian Forest - A massive forest in the center of Estaria. The Sindaran Temple is hidden deep within the forest.
  • Tsavinian Mountains - A mountain range in the north east of Estaria. Covered in Mist.
  • Scrios's Folly - A desert to the south of the Tsavinian Mountains. Covered in Mist.

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