Mustaband Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Mustaband (MUUS-teh-BAND)

Mustaband is desolate land split in two by an enormous mountain range. The northwestern half is a volcanic wasteland inhabited by various reptilian species. The southeastern half is dark, with the sun being blotted out by the volcanic smoke.   


The Element War

When @Scrios, God of Flames, walked the mortal realm, he spent most of his time on Mustaband.  


  • Dragonborn - North/South
  • Dark Elves - South/North
  • Half Orcs - North/South
  • Deep Gnome - South
  • Duergar - South/North
  • Goblins - South
  • Kenku - South
  • Lizardfolk - North
  • Kobolds - North
  • Tortle - North
Uncommon or Rare
  • Orc - South
  • Tiefling - North/South
  • Human - South
  • Genasi - North/South
  • Shader-kai - South
  • Yuan-Ti - North


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