Nirania Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Nirania (neer-AHN-yuh)

Nirania is a cool continent, being the southernmost continent other than the frozen South. Strange, fey magic warps the land. This results in such things as heavy rainfalls without much accumulation, dense fairy forests that cover mere feet of land, and landmasses that float in the sky.   The fairy woods in the center of the continent hide a massive set of ruins and standing stones.


A World at War

In ancient times, Nirania was the home of @Atero, the God of Wind.


  • Wood Elves
  • Half Elves(Wood)
  • Gnomes
  • Goblins
  • Fairys
  • Harengon
  • Hobgoblins
  • Satyrs
  • Humans
Uncommon or Rare
  • Eladrin
  • Genasi
  • Bugbear
  • Centaur


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