Ribahrn Territory Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Ribahrn Territory (rih-BARN)

The Ribahrn Territory is a group of six tribes that wander the land between the Ribahrn River and the Rugar Mountains.   The Ribahrn tribespeople's lives revolve around fighting and conquest. They'll regularly ride out, raiding the territories to the north and east. Particularly ambitious fighters will try to climb the Rugar Moutains and attack the Rusha Kingdom. This is far more dangerous but a successful raid is key for proving oneself as as a possible future chieftain.   The tribes are generally friendly with some rivalry. Some tribespeople will often go to live in another for sometime or marry into another tribe. Children are required to return to the mother's tribe at the age of 10.   Once every year, the tribes meet at the ruined city Agarthi to discuss matters that will affect all six tribes. These matters can include which tribes will raid which regions, succession of chiefs, and allocation of resources.  


  • Fell Tribe - A tribe of moonfur vargar
  • Nightclaw Tribe - A tribe of dark-furred vargar
  • Shieldbreaker Tribe - A tribe of humans
  • Fishraider Tribe - A tribe of hairless tabaxi
  • Dawnrider Tribe - A tribe of orcs
  • Brightfur Tribe - A tribe of Maine Coone looking Tabaxi
Ribahrn Territory Base Map Image
Geopolitical, Province


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