The Venaevi
The men who claim to be Venaevi disgust me, I have to say. They are utterly spineless! They are absolutely idle! They should be military men, not glorified 'monks' (moreso whimps) who hunt down brothels for no proper reason. And I wonder whether they are truly hunting down tarts to see 'em. Wouldn't be surprised. They are arrogant bastards without a care for mere decency to follow rules!
Their organisation focuses on the crackdown, mandated by the Edict of Doulatria, of the brothels and other dens of ill repute through the lands of the the Larramendi Family. They normally focus on the women (and occasionally men) of the brothel, handing them over to a corrupt system which has a tendency to give trumped-up charges to prostitutes. After all, the Eitumites merely created them to sniff out the brothels, (and ‘purge of of sin’, apparently) but have no prosecution powers of any kind. Men such as Clímaco Lefèvre would refuse that at all costs, even if it meant death, for their power was still within that system, no matter how terrible it happened to be.