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Dear Nama,
cc: Derax, and Fal

I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for what you did for me. But... thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You met me at the literal rock-bottom worst point in my life. Those... evil Omron Company prakkers... everything they did to me... That was evil. They're the reason I got the thrave. Some prakkers are just plain evil. I convinced myself I deserved it. Until you all came through and showed me a bit of tenderness. That was the first time in a long time that anyone looked me in the eye and talked to me like a person... Even if you did have your guns pointed at me.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Mr. Vadak gave me most of the money you paid him. He helped me get some care from a doctor in New Lanvia, and now I'm on the mend. He said I could get a place and a job in town, but I'm not ready for that yet... And despite some of the bad shit that went down here, the Essok VI still feels like the closest thing to home for me. After you all reset the system and registered as crew, with Nama as the new captain, I was able to put myself as a crew member too and gained access to a couple of the subsystems, but my knowledge is limited. Anyhow, the ship is safe now and still has power. I've started cleaning out as best I can, but there's only so much I can do just by my lonesome. I've been picking edible mosses, flowers, and... sticks from up here around the crash site and selling them in town. It's enough to make ends meet.

I don't know how to repay you, but this seems like the only way I know how. I'll keep workin' on her in the hopes that you'll come back one day.

    Thank you and take care,



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